e p i s o d e . g u i d e

Season 7

1. Lessons
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Sunnydale High is back up and running. I'm sure it won't be as bad for the students as before. Right? Right?
2. Beneath You
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The gang tries to save a girl from another penis-shaped demon. I'm beginning to question Joss' sexuality.
3. Same Time, Same Place
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Willow can't see the scoobs. The scoobs can't see Willow. And Spike is nutty in the basement.
4. Help
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Cassie knows she's going to die. I wonder if she knows what tonight's lotto numbers are?
5. Selfless
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Anya is Aud. Well, tell us something we don't know.
6. Him
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All the girls want R.J, and Buffy has the ol' rocket launcher out of the box! Time to blow stuff up!
7. Conversations with Dead People
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Holden Webster, Cassie, Joyce Summers, Jonathan Levinson. A nice way to say it is that they're all "living-challenged."
8. Sleeper
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The First Evil is controlling Spike. Uh, Giles....you may want to turn around.
9. Never Leave Me
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The Watchers Council blows up. Tweed burns fast.
10. Bring on the Night
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Buffy gets her ass handed to her by an Ubervamp. I haven't seen that bad of a beating since Faith had sex with Xander.
11. Showtime
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Buffy teaches the SiTs a lesson....for like...the 4th or 5th time. I lost count.
12. Potential
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Dawn thinks she's a potential, then doesn't when it's fight time. Smart thinking.
13. The Killer in Me
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Amy puts a spell on Willow...and I'm not entirely sure why. Any takers?
14. First Date
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Buffy gets a some Wood...kind of...and Xander picks another winner. The guy is just not good at dating.
15. Get It Done
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When did Dawn have time to learn Sumerian??!!
16. Storyteller
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Window Panes...as presented by Andrew.
17. Lies My Parents Told Me
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See, Spike killed Wood's mom...who was a slayer, and killing slayers is bad, mmmkay..?
18. Dirty Girls
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Faith returns just in time to bring the SiTS out to party and get her gyrate on.
19. Empty Places
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Dawn tells Buffy to "GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!"
20. Touched
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Lots of touching indeed.
21. End of Days
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Caleb had to split. Angel returns, and we're still wondering why. It's the gang's last night before the war. Time for some D&D!
22. Chosen
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Sunnydale is gone, but there's always Cleveland.