BtVS Quotes
(B=Buffy, X=Xander, W=Willow, S=Spike, D=Dawn, A=Anya)
B: We've heard the crayon speech a few times. Not that it's not great, of course.
B: We saw her kill someone. She was about to kill Dawn.
W: Welcome home, me.
X: Well, I've avoided Giles tons of times. Just meant I was lazy, not evil.
B: I checked with Giles too - hasn't heard from her.
D: Oh, don't give me shock-face.
A: What are you doing here? I thought you were with Giles studying how to not kill people?
A: Here's something you should know about venegence demons. We don't ruth with the sorry. We prefer, "
Oh God! Please stop hitting me with my own rib bones!"
A: I was in Brazil yesterday. They love their soccer.
A: Everyone's all about the High School. Buffy's got some kind of job there helping junior deviants. Spike's
insane in the basement. Xander's there doing construction on the new gym.
B: No skin.
S: This is my place. You need permission to be here. You need a special slip with a stamp.
W: The victim was skinned. What could do that?
S: Everyone's talking to me. No one's talking to each other.
S: Somebody isn't here. Button, button, who's got the button? My money's on the witch.
S: They think you did it - the slayer and her boy. They think you took the skin.
W: I need help.
W: Something horrible killed a boy - took his skin right off.
W: Uh, when did you get all insightful?
W: So will you help me?
A: This isn't gonna get all sexy, is it?
W: K, do you have your powder?
A: Oh, pretty! Will it hurt the carpet?
A: Ah! Ok, remember our talk about the carpet?!
W: That's why you teleport over there. Real quick like a bunn...real quick, and um...see if I'm right.
W: Is it like you're scared of losing that feeling again, and having it be ok to hurt people, and
then you're not in charge of the power anymore, because it's in charge of you?
A: It did get a little sexy, didn't it?
D: Eyeballs, toenails or viscera...that's guts.
B: I have this feeling in my gut...
X: We didn't find any strips of skin. Which, by the way, geeewww.
D: He laps up the blood. It's like his natural beverage.
X: Well, we could ask some questions over at Willie's place.
B: And we have a way to track him.
X: We should've put a leash on him.
S: I'm insane. What's his excuse?
X: Dark and dank. I was hoping it'd be dark and dank.
B: Watch the head.
X: It'll be alright. We'll get you fixed up. You'll be doing the limbo in no time.
B: Where'd you get the nuts?
A: Should I make her salute?
A: Oh, wouldn't it be tragic if you were here being kinda silly with your comically paralyzed sister
while Willow is dying.
X: Anya, you've gotta keep up!
A: Buffy's fighting the demon over there see, but if they get too close I'm gonna have to run.
A: Ah, Buffy killed the demon. It was gross.
X: Where is she? Is she alive?
X: I think she's sort
B: Wow...that's magic, right? I mean, when most people meditate they don't get extra skin, right? Cause
Clem should like, cut back.
W: It just takes so much strength. I don't have that much.
Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.