BtVS Quotes


(B=Buffy, X=Xander, W=Willow, S=Spike, D=Dawn, A=Anya, G=Giles)

B: It's about power - who's got, who knows how to use it.

D: He might not know all those fancy martial arts skills they inevitably seem to pick up.

B: You're a little girl.
D: Woman.
B: Little woman.
D: I'm taller than you.

Vampire in grave: Excuse me? I'm think I'm stuck.
B: You're stuck?
Vampire in grave: My foot's caught on a root or something.

Vampire: Thanks. That was a help. Unfortunently it's...
*Buffy chokes him*
Vampire:...the last thing you'll ever do.

D: Plus, I had a plan the whole time.
B: Really?
D: Yeah, I planned to get killed, come back as a vampire and bite you.

B: My first time out I misseed the heart too.
D: No way?
B: Just the once.

W: Is there anything you don't know everything about?
G: Synchronized swimming. Complete mystery to me.

G: Do you want to be punished?
W: I want to be Willow.

B: So...peachy with a side of keen. That would be me.

D: Check out double-o Xander.
B: with your mouth full.

B: And stay away from hyena people...
B: ...or if you see anyone that's invisible.

B: You know you can still drop out. Only nerds finish High School.

B: It's my hair. I have mom hair?
B: It's not mom hair.

D: I love to dance. I like music. I'm very into Britney Spears' early work, before she sold um...mostly her finger painting and macaroni art...very underrated. Um...favorite activities include not ever having to do this agaain, and uh...
B: Dawn!
D: What?
B: We have to go. It's not safe.
D: ...but?
B:, I mean...I saw it.

B: Dawn, I just thought you danger of...smoking.

D: I also have a sister.

A: Six weeks tops and she's calling on me for vengence.
Halfrek: Oww...we better run for cover.

Halfrek: The waitress downtown wished her husband was a made him french.
A: He's smelly! And with the little mustache, he...

A: What is this, an intervention? Shouldn't all the demons be here?
Halfrek: Sweetie, they are.

X: Ah, being popular isn't so great...or so I've read in books.

W: I saw the earth. I saw its teeth.
G: The hellmouth?
W: It's going to re-open.

D: Are you dead?
Carlos: Stop saying that!

D: ...And Buffy, isn't this reception amazing?! I'm in the fricking basement.

Principal Wood: ...and good luck with that dog...tragedy!

B: I'm the one that dates dead guys. And no offense but they were hotties. I mean, I'm sure you had a great personality.

B: If at first you don't succeed...cheat.

B: What? Duck? There's a duck?

B: What did you do?
S: I...I tried to cut it out.

X: Whoa...contract-y goodness.

Manifest spirit: You can thank your sister for this...
D: Thanks sis.

D: You really weren't kidding about this place. I guess it really hasn't changed.
B: I don't know - seems smaller.

Carlos: Yeah, I mean it. (looking at Buffy) You are the coolest mom ever.

Principal Wood: ..and the money we could pay you wouldn't even fold, but it'd be just a couple days a week.

B: I'm in.
Principal Wood: What? You're serious? You did hear the part about the money, right?

S: Everything. I had the speech. I learned it all. Oh God, she won't understand. She won't understand.
Warren: Of course she won't understan, sparky. I'm beyond her understanding. She's a girl! Sugar and spice and everything useless unless you're baking. I'm more than that. More than flesh...
*Warren turns into Glory*
Glory: ...more than blood. I' know, I honestly don't think there's a human word fabulous enough for me. Oh, my name will be on everyone's lips...assuming their lips haven't been torn off. But not just yet. That's alright though...
*Glory turns into Adam*
Adam: I can be patient. Everything is well within perameters. She's exactly where I want her to be, and so are you number seventeen. You're right where you belong...
*Adam turns into Wilkins*
Wilkins: So what did you think? You'd get your soul back and everything would be Jim-Dandy? Soul's slippery than a greased weasel. Why do you think I sold mine? (Laughs) Well, you probably thought you'd be your own man, and I respect that; but you never...
*Wilkins turns into Drusilla*
Drusilla: ...will. You'll always be mine. You'll always be in the dark with me. Singing our little songs. You like our little songs, don't you? You've always liked them...right from the beginning. And that's where we're going...
*Drusilla turns into The Master*
The Master: Right back to the beginning. Not the bang, not the Word...the true beginning. The next few months are going to be quite a ride. And I think we're going to learn something about ourselves in the process. You'll learn you're a pathetic schmuck, if it hasn't sunk in already. Look at you - trying to do what's right - just like her. You still don't get it. It's not about right. It's not about wrong...
*The Master turns into Buffy*
Buffy:'s about power.

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.