Buffy: Hello again and welcome to the Bad Puns Show.
Disclaimer: All BTVS and Angel characters are property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.
Dawn: Dont look at me. Im taking a vacation from this episode after I unnecessarily lecture Willow.
Willow: At which point I skin you.
Dawn: Um
maybe we could skip the lecture.
Buffy: Now, to introduce this weeks Monster of the Week. A big hand of applause for
Anya: Me!
Buffy: You? Youre not the Monster of the Week!
Anya: Am so!
Buffy: Well, at least with the shows comic relief being the Monster of the Week, the Slayerettes are safe for another week
Anya: Doesnt mean you are, though.
Buffy: Spike, you have to get out of here. This place is killing you.
The place: What, are you jealous?
Buffy: Not really. I dont want to kill him anymore, just look as though Im making him miserable. Makes the show ratings go up and people believe Im the Big Bad. Plus I like inflicting pain on him.
Spike: Tell me something I dont know.
Buffy: Shut up, Spike. At least you dont have any opportunities to get boinked here.
The place: Actually, I leave that to the other Buffy.
Buffy: The other Buffy?
Spike: Ssshhh.
Willow: Its OK, its OK!
Girl: I take it back, I take it back, I
say, thats a cute innocent-girl outfit youve got there!
Willow: The better to make you think Im a cute, innocent-girl, my child
Girl: I wished just for once, they would know what it felt like to have their hearts torn out. Then it came
Willow: Then what came?
Spider: That would be me. Please turn around so I can take your heart.
Girl: Eaaaaaagghhh!!!
Willow: You can try to take it. But Ill erect this Trek-like force field so that you cant.
Spider: Willow? THE Willow? Oh my God!
Girl: You know this thing?
Willow: Um
Spider: The Willow who skinned Warren? Be still my beating heart, can I get an autograph?
Willow: Well, if a heart has to be still, better yours than mine.
Olaf: Stöp! I am Ölaf!
Villager 1: Äaahh! Hes doing an impersönation of Ölaf!
Villager 2: Lets hit him with fruits, värious meäts and pieces of Ikeä furniture!
Joss: I think we need another translätor.
Villagers: Eeaaaaaagh!!!!
Olaf: You are as small as töys! I will smäsh you to bits with my designer Ikea hämmer!
Joss: OK, Bjorn, you need to remember when you translate this is the year 880. They dont have any Ikea.
Bjorn the translator: Oh, and I suppöse they had grainy öld films back then?
Jöss: As a mätter of fäct, they did.
Bjorn: Anyway, I was just trying to make things Unböring.
Jöss: Well, youre fëyred. Olaf, take care of him.
Olaf: Oh, jöy, a snäck!
Bjorn: Eeeaaaaagh!!!!
(Russia, 1905)
Halfrek: You know what I like about this job?
Anya: What?
Halfrek: How we get to fool around with history.
Joss: I cant wait till comrade Stalin comes along and takes care of you two.
Xander: Buffy, you want to kill Anya!
Buffy: I dont
no, actually, wait, I do want to.
Xander: Buffy, think about it! This isnt new ground! When our friends go all crazy and start killing people, we help them!
Buffy: We help them kill people?
Xander: No, what I mean is, we put a stamp on them and ship them to Giles for five months.
Giles: Dont even dare think about it.
Willow: Besides, do we hate Anya so much we want to condemn her to watch Giles clean his glasses for five long months?
Giles: Willow, please do remember I still yield coven power. I can conjure you back here in a straightjacket right this instant.
DHoffryn: Ah, Miss Rosenberg. So nice to see you. Let me congratulate you on your water-cooler vengeance. May I have an autograph?
Willow: Sorry. Ran out of yellow crayons.
Anya: This is getting to be a pattern with you, Buffy. Are there any friends of yours left that you havent tried to kill?
Buffy: Only those who arent thinking of taking over my show at the end of the season.
Anya: Say, I hadnt thought about that Anyanka the Vengeance Wreaker. Hows it sound?
Buffy: I will hit you now. *WHACK*
Anya: You know better than that, Buffy. It takes a lot more to kill a vengeance demon.
Buffy: Im just getting started.
Anya: Its about time you did, too! What does it take to get you going, a little pick-me-up with a vampire? No wonder so many people are jockeying for your place!
Buffy: I dislike you very, very much.
Halfrek: *Flash* Oh, hi, Anyanka!
DHoffryn: Hello, Halfrek. How do you like your soul - red, well done or water-cooler vengeance?
Anya: No!!! You cant kill her!!!
DHoffryn: And why not?
Anya: Um, um, uh
because those female-empowerment people will sue you if you do!
DHoffryn: Hmmm, hadnt thought of that
Halfrek: *phew*
DHoffryn: On the other hand
Halfrek: Aaaaaagh!!!
Anya: *GASP*
DHoffryn: Have I tought you nothing, Anyanka? Always go for out-of-court settlements.
Anya: Xander?
Xander: Yeah?
Anya: What if Im really nobody?
Xander: Dont be a dope. You are somebody.
Anya: Really?
Xander: Yeah. Youre a murderer.
Anya: And you were trying for reconciliation?
Xander: I was, but getting the last bad pun in is so much more fun.