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Disclaimer: All BTVS and Angel characters are property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.
Buffy: Spike! Wake up!!!
Spike: *SNORE* Zzzzzzz
Buffy: Wake up, damn you!
Xander: Uh, Buff
he left a note.
Buffy: What? What does it say?
Xander: It says that since the episode is called Sleeper, hes going to sleep through it.
Spike: *SKNXL* *SNORE* Zzzzzzz
Buffy: What??? He cant!!! Hes the evil guy for this episode!
Xander: Well, dont look at me, I didnt tuck him in bed!
Buffy: I sure hope you didnt!
Spike Twin: Uh, hello
actually, Im the evil guy
Buffy and Xander: SHUT UP!!!
Spike: *SNORE* Zzzzzzzz
Willow: What the
Dawn: *Sob*
Willow: Dawn!!! Oh my God, Dawn, what happened???
Dawn: Its OK, Im alright.
Willow: Youre cut! Let me get bandages!!!
Dawn: Are you doing this so Ill forgive you for almost turning me back into a ball of energy last season?
Willow: Of course Im not! You want some ointment for that cut? A blanket? A vodka martini?
Dawn: I could get used to this.
Buffy: Hes different. And if its all an act, then the Oscar goes to
Spike (coming in): Id like to thank my mother, my father, Drusilla for making me into a vampire, and of course all my fans out there
Buffy: SPIKE! What are you doing?
Spike: Oh, um, just rehearsing in case I win.
Buffy: Oh, you won alright. *WHACK*
Robson: Oh my God
Nora? NORA!!!
Robed Figure: Hehehe
Banzai!!! *WHACK*
Robson: *WHACK* Hey, youre no ninja! Youre a monk!!!
Robed Figure: What? Ninja know that monks can fight? *heehee*
Robson: *groan* So you dispatched my Slayer-in-waiting with bad puns? *WHACK*
Robed Figure: Oh, come on
you just cant igNORA good joke
Robson: OK. Time for me to insert another *WHACK*
Robed Figure: You British. No sense of humor. *WHACK*
Robson: Its spelled humour, and we do have one. After all, we did give the Spice Girls to the world. *WHACK*
Other Robed Figure: Yes, and just for that you deserve this
Robson: *GAK*
Buffy: Dawn? DAWN!!!
Willow: Its OK, shes sleeping
I put her in bed with a foot cushion and extra pillows.
Dawn (muffled): And a vodka martini.
Buffy: What happened? The house is a wreck! Have you been taking your little black pills again???
Willow: Why do I always get blamed for these things?
Buffy: Because
you like violently redecorating places and depriving people of their epiderm?
Willow: HEY, I havent taken skin for a long time! So quit it, youre
Buffy: Getting under your skin? *chortle*
Dawn (muffled): I am not hearing this conversation.
Willow: Hecate, hear my plea
Hecate: I TOLD you, Im not speaking to you.
Willow: *Sigh*
Buffy: Dont worry, Will. Its OK. Your alibi is
Willow: Dont you dare!
Willow: Alright, lets do this the old-fashioned way. *WHACK*
Anya: *Search search*
Spike: *SNORE*
Anya: *Rummage rummage*
Spike: *SNORE* Zzzzzz
Anya: *Rummage search*
Mouse trap: *CLAP*
Vampire girl: Hey, beautiful.
Spike: *SNORE* Zzzzzz
Vampire: Uh, Spike? Arent we supposed to fight?
Spike: *RXLTZ* Zzzzzz
Vampire: Oooookay
Aimée Mann: Hey, would you tell that guy to stop that racket? Were trying to perform down here!
Spike: I think
I killed all those people! But how come I dont remember?
Buffy: See what you get for sleeping through episodes?
Vampires: Speaking of sleep, mind if we wake up now?
Buffy: No, you guys can stay asleep.
Spike: But Im wide awake now! Lets have a party!!!
Morphy Spike: Yes, and let me provide the music. How about some Led Zeppelin?
Led Zeppelin: *tnod netsil
ereht era on lanimilbus segassem. tsenoH*
Buffy: Um
I think that song is playing backwards
Led Zeppelin: *Kill
Spike, kill
Buffy: *WHACK*
Robert Plant: OK, were suing.
Spike: Buffy, kill me.
Buffy: Cant. The Spike fans out there wont have it.
Spike: But I cant cry this soul out of me!
Buffy: Let me help.
Spike: Really?
Buffy: Yes. You may not be able to cry it out, but I can kick the soul out with my sole.
Morphy Spike: Youre the sole one to blame for this, mate.
Giles: Robson! ROBSON! Can you hear me?
Robson: Giles
you must
Giles: What! What must I do!
Robson: Its started
Giles: It cant be that bad!
Robson: They think
the British
have no sense
of humour.
Giles: Good lord! *shiver* We must destroy them.
Robed Figure: *tap tap* Um, excuse me
would you mind turning your head ever so slightly so I can get a clear strike?