Episode Guide

Episode 123: Lessons

Episode Big Bads

Robed Men - The men whom kill the girl in Istanbul at the beginning of the episode. It is not yet know if they are evil. (But they probably are).

The Manifest Spirits – The Manifest Spirits are vengeance spirits raised by an unknown party and controlled talisman. The MS’s seem to be the ghosts of people Buffy didn’t reach in time and they say they died in the old SHS. They have the power to manifest themselves anywhere (only the basement has been confirmed) and are corporeal, but appear that any physical damage is futile. They were defeated rather simply when Xander destroyed the talisman. Xander saves the day again (That’s two in a row).

Spike’s Inner Demons – It is unclear if Spike is hallucinating the people from his past, or if it is an Old Evil is torturing him. We will have to wait and see.

Episode References

- In the teaser while Buffy is training Dawn in the cemetery Buffy says “My first time out, I missed the heart too.” This is a reference to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Movie, and Buffy’s first “Patrol” with original watcher Merick.

- In the teaser there is a ribbon cutting ceremony for the reopening of the newly rebuilt Sunnydale High, on the very ground that it first stood upon. Sunnydale High was destroyed in the Season 3 episode “Graduation Day: Part 2”. The destruction of the school was necessary to defeat Mayor Wilkins in his new ascended form, a giant demon snake. The method of destruction was a powerful bomb built to emulate the demons previous defeat in a lava bed.

- In Act 1 Willow says the following line about the coven she has been training with, “The coven is, they're the most amazing women I've ever met. But there's this look that they get. Like I'm gonna turn them all into bangers and mash, or something. Which I'm not even really sure what that is.” This is a reference to a popular English dish consisting of sausage bits and mashed potatoes.

- In Act 1 Willow says “I deserve a lot worse. I killed people, Giles.” This is a refrence to the season 6 episode “Villains”. In “Villains Willow binds Warren between two trees with roots and vines. She then tortures him with a vision of his ex girlfriend Katrina whom he killed in the Season 6 episode “Dead Things” and with the bullet he shot Buffy with. When the Scoobies arrive Willow express her boredom with Warren and Magickly skins him and sets him on fire. The other person Willow killed was Rack in the Season 6 episode “Two to Go”. She killed him to steal his powers.

- In Act 1 Willow says, “When you brought me here, I thought it was to kill me or to lock me in some mystical dungeon for all eternity or--with the torture. Instead, you go all Dumbledore on me.”  This is a direct reference to the character in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. In the series Dumbledore’s character is the head of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which is the school that Harry Potter attends to learn about witchcraft. Side Note: The character of Dumbledore is portrayed by Richard Harris in the film versions of the books.

- In Act 1 Willow says, “I'm learning about magick. All about energy and Gaia and root systems.” This is a reference to the god commonly known as Mother Earth or Mother Nature. In Greek and Roman Mythology Gaia was the earth itself. She mated with Uranus to give birth to the other Titans and Gods, the Cyclopes, the giants, etc. In addition to the Greeks and Romans Gaia has been worshipped by many pagan groups, and remains an important part of some of these groups’ religions to date.

- In Act 1 Buffy says, “Ah, you put the box near the milk. I saw it on the food channel.” The food channel is a cable TV network whose shows deal with food and food preparation (Cooking Shows). Hence she saw how to prepare cereal there.

- In Act 1 Buffy says, “My sister's about to go to the same high school that tried to kill me for three years.” This is obviously a reference to Seasons 1, 2, and 3 of the show, in which Buffy and her friends primarily did battle with elements from or drawn to the Hellmouth, which the school was built on.

- In Act 1 Buffy followed the line above with “I can't change districts, I can't afford private school” This is a reference to Buff and Dawn’s poor financial situation, brought on by the death of Buffy’s mother Joyce, and Buffy’s inability to find a good job.

- In Act 1 Dawn says (When first seeing Xander's suit), “Hey. Check out double-O Xander.” This is in reference to the Ian Fleming character James Bond, who works for the British spy organization M-I6. Bond has reached the level referred to as Double O agent, and has been designated 007. Bond is known for being dashing, daring, and well dressed. Not to mention his knack with the ladies. This reference is obviously aimed a Xander’s clothing.

- In Act 1 Xander Says, “Well the last two principals were eaten. Who would even apply for that job?” This is in reference to Principle Flutie and Snyder. Principle Flutie was eaten by hyena possessed students in the season 1 episode “The Pack”. Principle Snyder was eaten by the ascended Mayor Wilkins in the season 3 episode “Graduation Day: Part 2”.

- In Act 1 when Buffy is talking to Dawn at school she instructs her, “And stay away from hyena people, or any loser-type athletes, you know, or if you see anyone that's invisible.”  The hyena people reference is to the Season 1 episode “The Pack”, in which students are possessed by the spirits of hyenas. The loser-type athletes is a reference to Larry, the mean jock turned very out football player, and / or the fish enhanced swimmers in the Season 2 episode “Go Fish”. The “anyone that’s invisible” refers to the Season 1 episode “Out of Mind, Out of Sight” where a girl whom everyone ignored, turns invisible because of it, and lashes out against popular students at SHS.

- In Act 1 when Dawn was saying good bye to Buffy she says, “I know! You never know what's coming. The stake is not the power. To Serve Man is a cookbook. I love you. Go away.” The statement “To Serve Man is a cookbook.” Is a reference to the Twilight Zone episode “To Serve Man” written by Rod Sterling and originally airing on March 2, 1962 . The story tells about alien visitors thought to be friends, but the very book that convinced us that they were friends actually turns out to be methods for our preparation for their consumption. This is a very popular episode of Twilight Zone and has been subject to many referenced and parodies. The most famous of witch was in The Simpsons Season 2 (And 1st) Tree house of Terror story “Hungry are the Dammed”.

- In Act 2 when Dawn is introducing herself to the class she says, “I'm very into Britney Spears' early work, before she sold out. So mostly her, um, finger painting and macaroni art. Very underrated.” This is a reference to mega popular pop star Britney Spears. Britney got her break appearing on The Mickey Mouse Club (Which also included pop star Christina Aguilera) at age 11. In 1999 she released her first album “Baby One More Time”, catapulting her into stardom. Since then she has released two more albums, become a one of Pepsi’s star promoters, had her own HBO live concert and stared in a feature film Crossroads. This reference though is obviously poking fun at Spears, another popular trend in recent times.

- In Act 2 when Halifrek and Anya at the coffee shop Halifrek says, “It's the talk of the order. They're calling you "Miss Soft serve." Tell me you don't know this.” Soft Serve is a term used to describe a complete category of ice cream and frozen dessert products. Soft Serve products are frozen in and dispensed directly from the freezer to the customer. It is a softer (obviously) slightly warmer counter part to ice cream. It is used in milk shakes, almost all the ice cream at Dairy Queen, and is round regularly at buffet style restraints, due to its lo cost and high profit margins.

- In Act 2 when Halifrek and Anya at the coffee shop Halifrek says, “Listen, Anya. I know I've always been a little competitive with you. I mean, there was that thing in the Crimean War.” In the years 1854 to 1856, Britain fought its only European war between the ending of the Napoleonic conflict in 1815 and the opening of the Great War in 1914. Although eventually victorious, the British and their French allies pursued the war with little skill and it became a byword for poor generalship and logistical incompetence. The war began as a quarrel between Russian Orthodox monks and French Catholics over who had precedence at the holy Places in Jerusalem and Nazereth. Tempers frayed, violence resulted and lives were lost. Tsar Nicholas I of Russia demanded the right to protect the Christian shrines in the Holy Land and to back up his claims moved troops into Wallachia and Moldavia (present day Rumania) then part of the Ottoman Turkish empire.

- In Act 2 when Halifrek and Anya at the coffee shop Anya says, “Well, what is this--an intervention? Shouldn't all my demon friends be here?” An intervention is a commonly used therapy practice in which the friends of the person whom they are worried about (Usually an alcohol or drug abuser) is confronted and forced to recognize their problem by their family and close friends. It is usually a successful practice.

- In Act 2, in the same conversation above, Halifrek mentions D'Hoffrin. D'Hoffrin is the head of the vengeance demons. We first met him in the Season 3 episode “Dopplegangland” where she begs him to create a temporal fold in time so she can go back to the alternate reality from "The Wish" and retrieve her amulet. We meet him again in the Season 4 episode “Something Blue” where Willow ’s botched spell tortures her friends so much he summons her and offers her a job as a vengeance demon, she politely refused.

- In Act 3 while Buffy is confronting the manifest spirits of students past she says, in response to one of the spirits saying they would like to date Dawn, “Again, wrong sister. I'm the one that dates dead guys. And, no offense, but they were hotties. I mean, I'm sure you had a great personality, but...” This is a reference to Buffy’s relationship with Angel in Seasons 1, 2, and 3, and her relationship with Spike in Season 6.

- In Act 4 after Principle woods sees the interaction between Buffy and Dawn, Kit, and Carlos, he says to himself, “Curiouser and curiouser.” This is a reference to Lewis Carroll  Alice books. ( Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass) When Alice goes on her unusual, day-dreamed, adventures, she uses the line to express her feelings about some of the strange things she encounters.

- At the very end of the episode Spike is being confronted by a morphing evil or hallucination. The references are in appearance order.

Warren Warren first appeared in the Season 5 episode “I was Made to Love You” in he was running from a Sex-Bot he built and abandoned. Spike then forces him to make a Buffy-Bot which is completed in the episode “Intervention”. Fast forward to Season 6 Where we meet Warren again with his newly formed Trio (Composed of three nerds – our old friend Jonathan, Warren the bot builder, and Andrew, the brother of Tucker from "The Prom") in the episode “Flooded”, where his vendetta against the slayer begins. This vendetta is his ultimate demise at the hands of Evil Willow (Described above).

Glory – The big bad of Season 5. Glory is an Evil God cast out of her deminsion and forced to share a body with the human Ben. Glory is finally killed when Giles kills Ben in the Season 5 finally (and 100th episode) “The Gift”.

Adam – Adam is a Demon, man, and machine hybrid. He was created by Initiative scientist Maggie Walsh in room 314. Adam was introduced in the Season 4 episode “The I in Team” Adam killed his creator and atemted to start some kind of evil revolution. His life functions were terminated in the episode “Primevil” By the combined forces (thanks to a spell) of Buffy, Giles, Willow and Xander. Adam in this sequence also refers to Spike as 17. Hostile 17 was Spike designation when the Initiative captured him and fitted him with a chip that prevented him from harming humans.

Mayor Wilkins – Sunnydale’s Mayor for a countless number of years. He was killed during the execution of his master plan by being blown up in the Season 3 episode “Graduation Day: Part 2”. The Mayor was the primary Big Bad in Season 3 (Despite being and extremely nice guy).

Drusilla – Drusilla was Spike’s girlfriend and love of his life, until she left him for a fungus demon (Season 4 episode “The Harsh Light of Day”). Dru was later badly burned by Angel (On his Series) when he sets Dru and Darla on fire after they teamed up with Wolfram and Heart to torture him in the Angel Season 2 episode "Redefinition". A short time after this Dru comes back to Sunnydale in the Season 5 episode "Crush". She tells Spike here that she wants to reunite the family (Darla, Angelus, Dru, and Spike). But Spike, in attempt to prove his newly confessed love to Buffy ties Buffy and Dru up and offers to stake Dru to prove his love for Buffy. Things get out of hand when Harmony shows up. Dru gets away and to date has not returned.

The Master – The series’ first big bad and Darla’s sire, Angel’s grandsire, Dru’s Great grandsire, and Spike’s great great grand sire. The master was trapped in a church when a spell he was performing in 1937 to resurrect the “Great Old Ones” was interrupted by an earthquake. Throughout Season 1 The Master was trying to free himself from his prison. The master was successful, but was also killed in the episode “Prophesy Girl”. The Masters Clan, The Order of Aurelius, lead by the Anointed One, tried to resurrect The Master using his Skeleton in the Season 2 episode “When She was Bad”, but Buffy stops them and smashes his bones to dust with a sledge hammer. *The master is not heard from again until the Dreamers Hijack Dru’s body and force Spike to reunite The Order of Aurelius (Because he is in the Master bloodline). The Dreamers need the Master’s skills in sorcery to complete their plan. With Spike and the last of the order’s help the Dreamers resurrect The Master in spirit form. The Master then takes Angels body to help the Dreamers with their scheme. Buffy triumphs over the Master and the Dreamers when Spike betrays then so he can be sure that he and Dru are safe. With Spike’s help and a spell that cast The Master out of Angel’s (Or anyone’s for that matter) body. Buffy and the Scoobies were able to defeat the Master using a powerful and difficult spell to give the master corporeal form so he could be defeated. For good, we will have to wait and see.

* This information is from the Xbox game, which is set as a lost episode during Season 3. The game was co-written by Buffy author Christopher Golden.

Episode Observations, Nitpicks, and Assumptions

- In the opening credits I noticed the Demons, Demons, Demons website used in the first season of Angel. Is this a hint of possible crossovers? Maybe! Despite popular fan-boy assumptions just because shows are on different networks does not mean that a show cannot cross over (I.E. Ally McBeal and The Practice), the main factor is the production company. As we all know BtVS, AtS, and Firefly are all fox shows, despite what network they may be on. So a crossover would be left up solely to Fox. We saw no crossovers last season because of the bad blood between UPN and the WB. Fox most likely held off on crossovers as to not through gas (or Petrol) on the UPN / WB fire. Now that things have cooled off some who knows what could happen.

- In this episode we notice Xander with snazzy new clothes and a new car (Which looks like a Chrysler Sebring. The license plate reads 3PCE187.) This is most likely because of new work that Xander is in charge of. (He supervised the school and he mentions meeting with clients.) Yea Xander!

- In the episode Spike and Halie refer to a new big bad brewin. Maybe it has something to do with the dead girl in the teaser…

- When Dawn arrives a the brand new SHS she says that it is her first day of High School, when se clearly stated that she started high school last season, seems like the Lil’ Bit is awful forgetful.

- Principle Wood confuses Buffy with Dawn’s Mom, later he tells Buffy that he has read her file. If this is true then he presumably would have red Dawn’s file and knew that her mother had died. It is possible that Wood could have assumed that Buffy was Dawn’s stepmother (Since her father is still alive) but it most likely would have listed Buffy as Dawn guardian. Is it a plot goof? You be the Judge. (But not the pale blue one with the horns, “What’s that do?” Ha, Ha!!!)