Empty Places
(B=Buffy, D=Dawn, X=Xander, W=Willow, G=Giles, S=Spike, A=Anya,
Aw=Andrew, R=Principal Robin Wood, Ca=Caleb, F=Faith)
Ca: I'll see you soon little lady.
X: I'm trying to see your point here Buff, but I guess it's a little to my left, 'cause I can't see it.
Aw: See look, the Post-It is still here 'Andrew's, Please Don't Eat'. And look, the box is *shakes box* empty.
Ca: Oh look. Things don't go your way, so here come the water works. Ain't that just like a woman.
F: How old are you?
Amanda: 17
F: Yeah, we're gonna get you a real nice 7 up, ok?
S: It is not for thee. It is for her alone.
X: And you know what the best part is? No one will ever make me watch JAWS 3D again.
Aw: It's the fundamental lack of respect.
G: Shut up. Pay attention.
S: Tell anyone we had this conversation and I'll bite you.
Aw: Right.
F: How safe were they when you dragged them to the vineyard to meet Caleb. How safe was Amanda, or Rona, or MOLLY?
Amanda: Do you think there are going to be questions about her sex life on the test?
X: I need a parrot...to go with the peg-leg
Rona: Ding, dong, the witch is dead!
D: Shut. Your. Mouth!
Clem: It's getting so bad her you can't even swing a cat without hitting some sort of demonic activity. Not that I swing cats, or eat cats...anymore. Yep, cutting back. Cholesterol ...I mean, morals.
Aw: Can't? Can't is a four-letter word! I'm Andrew, I'll be your bad cop for the evening.
Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.