It's about the POWER. -- Power Play: The Rant :: 5.14.04
Three Undead Men and a Little Lady -- The Girl In Question: The Rant :: 5.06.04
To Joss Whee, Thanks For Everything! Mattikins. -- Time Bomb: The Rant :: 4.29.04
Whoomp, there he is. -- Origin: The Rant :: 4.23.04
It's been so long that we missed ourselves. -- Underneath: The Rant :: 4.15.04
Holes in my shirt are better than in my underwear -- Shells: The Rant :: 3.04.04
Hugs and Fritos. -- A Hole in the World: The Rant :: 2.27.04
Get Your Hand Out Of My Ass. -- Smile Time: The Rant :: 2.19.04
Eat me, Hitler! -- Why We Fight: The Rant :: 2.12.04
The Bitch is Back! -- You're Welcome: The Rant :: 2.05.04
Lord of the Geeks: The Return of the King -- Damage: The Rant :: 1.30.04
David Boreanaz directed this rant. -- Soul Purpose: The Rant :: 1.22.04
Camels are fun. -- Harm's Way: The Rant :: 1.15.04
Angel and Spike: Behind the Mayhem...+ a new format! -- Destiny: The Rant :: 11.20.03
And the Cats in the Cradle... -- Lineage: The Rant :: 11.13.03
Green Demon Insomniacs -- Life of the Party: The Rant :: 10.31.03
Matt writes Rant naked - Viewer Discretion Advised -- Hell Bound: The Rant :: 10.24.03
Unleash the stink. -- Unleashed: The Rant :: 10.17.03
See-through Spike available, order now! -- Just Rewards: The Rant :: 10.10.03
A Discovery: Fred likes The Dixie Chicks -- Conviction: The Rant :: 10.02.03
Welcome to Wolfram & Hart. Coffee? Tea? Blood of the Innocent? -- Home: The Rant :: 5.08.03
Picking Up The Pieces...of your face. -- Peace Out: The Rant :: 5.04.03
Precious. Must Have My Precious... -- Sacrifice: The Rant :: 4.25.03
Run, Winifred, RUUUNNN!!! -- The Magic Bullet: The Rant :: 4.17.03
Michael Stipe never had worms coming from his nasal cavities...I don't think. -- Shiny Happy People: The Rant :: 4.10.03
Ouch. 10 Centimeters My Ass. -- Inside Out: The Rant :: 4.03.03
Electrifying -- Players: The Rant :: 3.27.03
Witches and Slayers and poorly-written dialogue, oh my! -- Orpheus: The Rant :: 3.20.03
Unholy Manly Voice-Overs, Batman! -- Release: The Rant :: 3.14.03
You Gotta Have Faith -- Salvage: The Rant :: 3.06.03
Soulless is Right!   Soulless: The Rant :: 2.6.03
Slouching Towards Bethlehem: The Rant :: 10.30.02
Angel Finale Thoughts :: 5.27.02