r a n t s. f r o m. t h e . c r y p t
![]() Michael Stipe never had worms coming from his nasal cavities.-- Shiny Happy People: The Rant Warning: Spoilerish to the amount of 10. So "Jasmine" is some sort of evil that has made everyone see her as a God (although they made it a strict rule not to use the word "God" that much - I counted once). The creepiest part wasn't the worms in the face. It wasn't the man with the half-melted face. It was Connor calling Angel "dad" throughout the entire episode. Now THAT'S FREAKISH. And I'm sure they were going for irony when they (the writers) picked Fred to be the person called. Out of all the Angel gang, little Fred is called. Although her brains may make up for her lack of physical abilities, her brain wasn't functioning too well when she tried to convince Wesley that Jasmine wasn't what she appeared to be. Even after melted-face guy told her to trust no one. Look out MIT grads. This was like an Act 1. A storyline as detailed as this needs at least 3 episodes in total. I'm hoping they give it that much. What was with the preview for next week? Angel and Fred kissing? Something tells me that's one of the WB's classic false advertisements. The situation will probably be a forced one, or both of them are dreaming, or something LIKE THAT. Either that or Fred sure does get around. Gunn, Wesley and now Angel. Yeesh. Final Verdict: This was a good start to the ending story arc of the season. I'm interested in seeing what's to come, and how Angel and the gang are going to get out of this mess. It wasn't the most exciting or breath-taking episode, but it got the first Act going. This was mostly a set up, and I'm taking the "wait and see" method for now. Rating: 3 STAKES Rant Over. - Mac |