r a n t s. f r o m. t h e . c r y p t
![]() Witches and Slayers and poorly-written dialogue, oh my! -- Orpheus: The Rant Warning: Spoilerish to the amount of 10. Ok. Don't get me wrong. I was in zombie-mode last night after working for so long, but what was with the dialogue for Willow? It seemed like they tossed that together in 2 minutes. And what's up with the "everything I do must be a gay joke" vibe? Examples: The end of her conversation with Wesley, and her talk with Fred right before she left. We get it. Willow's gay. We are shocked by the revelation that happened...oh...3 1/2 YEARS AGO. It was cool to see Aly Hannigan and Alexis Denisof on screen together. When you know they're *really* together, you could look at their facial expressions and get a sense. I don't know. It was weird. When did anyone tell Fred that Willow cured Angel the last time he lost his soul? And if someone had told her - like Wesley - why didn't HE THINK OF IT?
Wesley: You know Fred, the last time Angel lost his soul, Willow did a spell that cured him. I mean, come on. The flashbacks were confusing as hell. Now, I love obscure dream sequences that seem real like the next guy, but what the shit was up with the last 10 minutes of it? Since when can you battle people physically inside your brain? I know Faith and Angelus were drugged. And if that's what you can do with "orpheus"...please sir, can I have another? Yeesh. The gang now knows Cordy is preggers. Will THIS be enough to figure out she's evil? Of course not, because you'd pratically have to beat Angel over the head with a shovel for him to sense it. When did he turn into a non-vampire? I thought they sense crap. Remember "Mr. Stealthy Guy" in Season 1? What happened to him? Final Verdict: I loved seeing Willow in L.A helping the A.I gang, and I also loved the fact that they went back to the same spell as last time. What I'm not happy about is the dialogue and most of the last 10 minutes. It seemed a little contrived. But I'll take it....if I must. - Rating: 2 1/2 STAKES Rant Over. - Mac |