r a n t s. f r o m. t h e . c r y p t
10.30.02 - Slouching Towards Bethlehem: The Rant - It's come to my attention that "Angel" is getting weaker and weaker as the week's roll by. I don't know why, but the stories went from great (Deep Down), to pretty cool (Gwen the Electro-Girl, no matter what other critics say, was cool), to kind of boring (The House Always Wins), to finally....downright crappy. After the ending of Slouching I felt like slouching towards the gun in my closet. It was irritable, it was annoying, and it was so...how do you put it?...right...blah. - Hearing the arguments that Connor was noble and that gives him the right to be a teenage sleazeoid...that's the sort of wooley-headed thinking that gets you eaten by hyena people or giant snakes. Watch out kids. I disagree. If anything, Connor should be kept in a cage at this point. He may be the "James Dean"...the anti-hero, but he's still (supposedly) 17. And Cordelia, who may be 22, is a mother figure in her eyes...you know, when she actually knows who she is. I understand that Cordy doesn't know any better, and that Connor is a teenage boy and thinks she's hot (well, duh!), but it just takes the creep factor way overboard watching these two, knowing what we all know. Quite disturbing indeed. - I did love seeing Cordy rifling through the Sunnydale High yearbook. But man, that's silly not being able to show Willow or Xander in those pics. I think they may have shown a couple REALLY QUICK pics, but it was like the WB execs said, "Ok, 0.2 seconds of Buffy characters is all that's permitted!". Silly. - Wolfram and Hart sure did pull a fast one on ol' Wesley. I guess I should say Lilah did it. Wes has always sort of been easy to manuever, and Lilah proved that this week. He may have the brains of a watcher, but he has the gullability of Neville Longbottom. - Cordy's song. Well, she still hasn't learned how to hit a singular note...and it's 5 years later. The greatest love of all is cotton balls in my ears. None the less, a funny tribute to "The Puppet Show". - Lorne - last week I said I missed Lorne, but if he's here to be the catalyst for the soap operatic events of the coming weeks, I feel saddened and at the same time, unimpressed. Final Verdict: If you could have told me 3 weeks ago that I would be this disappointed in AtS, I would've said you were a thieving liar. It's funny what a month can do. Rating: 1 1/2 STAKES Rant Over. - Mac |