r a n t s. f r o m. t h e . c r y p t

03.06.03 -

You gotta have Faith -- Salvage: The Rant

Warning: Spoilerish to the amount of 10.

I don't know about you, but even Evil Cordy kissing Connor is a disgusting and dirty sight. I don't think that's ever going to change. Eww.

Eliza Dushku returned and made me remember why I missed her so much. Faith is such a complex character, and just so cool in so many ways. The whole "Are you a murderer, because I am" line to Connor was certainly quote-worthy.

Angelus kills The Beast and I rejoice. One more look at Mr. "Stone that looks like rubber" and I was going to have to bus it over to Cali and beat some Almost Human ass.

The big questions of the day: What is the deal with Cordelia? Is she being controlled? Is she just plain evil after having half demon powers for a period of time? And why in the hell is it so damn annoying?

No more Lilia...for sure now that she's doing an impression of the headless horseman. Can't say I'll miss her.

After watching the visitor's room scene of Wes and Faith, it occured to me really how much Wesley has changed since the last time Faith was around. It's kind of incredible.

The worst part of the episode was the clear flub up by the stunt guys in the prison window leap. Wes fell into a car from about 4 stories and was fine. It would've been believable had he fallen on Faith, but he clearly didn't. Although the "Five by Five" line was quite appropriate for the moment.

The baby. Obvious answers to this. I'd rather not comment. It kind of ruined the episode a smidge.

Final Verdict: Faith returns, and I shout yay. I loved it all, except for the last 2 minutes. Other than that, it was cheer-worthy. Angel has been consistantly good this season, with about 4 episodes that were bad. But when the series is good, not much can top it on TV.

Rating: 3 1/2 STAKES

Rant Over.

- Mac