r a n t s. f r o m. t h e . c r y p t
10.24.03 - Matt writes Rant naked, Viewer Discretion Advised -- "Hell Bound" : The Rant Warning: Spoilerish to the amount of 10. I am Jack's nerve twitches. I've come to the conclusion that Jonathan Levin and the WB are a bunch of lying SOBs, who are obsessed with ratings. The sad thing is, the WB has such a small audience compared to the big 4 networks that it barely even matters. Aren't you sick of these false advertisments and hyperbowls that they throw in your face, thinking *this* is how they attract you to the show? For me, I'm going to watch the show anyway, so all they do is attract my inner demon...we'll call him "Mr. Pissy". "Mr. Pissy" wasn't pleased at the "viewer discretion, partial nudity and violent images". In 7 years with Buffy and 4 years of Angel, there has been worse nudity and much more violent images than what was shown last night in "Hell Bound". In this webmaster's opinion, it was a straight up ratings ploy by the network. I don't blame Joss, but he should be a little embarrassed by it. And don't get me started on the teasers. As for the episode itself, it was ho-hum. Let's get Spike nude, make another ghost story, and have Fred get closer and closer to him. And that was about it. Some rhetorical questions... What's with Angel's attitude lately? You know what I'm talking about. Why is Gunn even more annoying as a lawyer than he was pre-attorney'dom? Where THE HELL is Wesley? No story at all. It was what I feared at the start of the season. 4 episodes in, and he's nothing but a 5th wheel. Where THE HELL is Lorne? We get one joke from Lorne a week now. I miss the green guy when he had more lines. Where THE HELL has Harmony been the last two weeks? I know McNab has a reoccuring role, but that's a pretty piss poor secretary Angel has there. There's definitely something missing from the show, and I'm not quite sure what it is. The part that really gets me is the fact that Steve DeKnight wrote this, and he's usually one of the better AtS writers. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad. Fred in the shower, the psychic, the last scene with Angel and Eve putting Pavayne in the cell....t'was all good. It's just missing a certain something. When I figure out what that something is, you'll be the first to know. I am Jack's finished rant. Rating: 2 1/2 STAKES Rant Over. - Matt |