r a n t s. f r o m. t h e . c r y p t w i t h . m a c
5.27.02 - Angel Finale Thoughts... Yes, I know. I'm 5 days late on them. Cut me some slack. ;) Warning: Spoiler-ish talk about episodes that aired last week. I think it was Bits (might have been someone else) on the board who noticed that the coffin that Angel was placed in was made of wood. Wood in salt water = complete deterioration. Hey, maybe that's how he gets out? Is Lorne gone for good? I hope not. He was my favorite character on the show. I think it's pretty safe to say that Cordy will be back. In what form is another question all together. The special effects guys looked like they had too much fun with the "elevation to heaven or some other dimension" bit. Groo's gone too. What was this? The "departures to another world" day? Why did they call it "Tomorrow" anyway? Should've called it "American Airlines 3 for 1 Special", but maybe Greenwalt thought it to be too long. Hey, I don't work at ME. See Fred and Gunn - you shouldn't gossip. What happens when you do? Your leader winds up inside a box in the pacific. Wes and Lilah. No friggin' comment. I'll pass. Fine! Fine! Yuck. There you go. Oh Connor, you are such a handful. Playing underwater hide-and-go-seek. Rating: 3 STAKES The pacing was so obvious. After the 30-minute mark I knew it was going to be a cliffhanger. The stories came out well, but there could've been more detail to them. Both AtS and BtVS went with the "less is more" approach and both struggled with it this season, but both also had it's share of great episodes. My favorites from this season - AtS' "Sleep Tight" and BtVS' "Once More with Feeling". Those are pretty much locks in my eyes. Good overall seasons for both. AtS has now become my second favorite show. While I have seen every episode of BtVS, I didn't start watching AtS until last summer. Now I watch it religiously. I guess that means it's gotten better. Rant Over.