2.27.04 -

Hugs and Fritos. -- "A Hole in the World" : The Rant

Disclaimer: All characters from Angel are a copyright of Mutant Enemy, Inc and 20th Century Fox. This article can not be reproduced without expressed consent by Um Err Productions or Black Swan, Inc.

Warning: Spoilerish to the amount of 10.

DISCLAIMER: This week's edition contains language that may not be suitable for everyone.

Welcome ya little bastards to another rant! This week Eric and I discuss "A Hole in the World"!

*Eric hears a shuffling sound out side the door. Eric and Matt dawn the respective Leather Dusters and investigate*

Eric: It's that bastard who keeps shoving papers through our door.

Matt: Remember Atlanta?

Eric: *grabs Matt's Hand* I thought you had forgotten.

*Matt unwraps a chicken wire from his sleeve and slides it out. Eric grabs it the other side*

*Matt and Eric decapitate the unsuspecting Mailman*

Eric: Take that, you bill delivering Nancy boy!

Matt: I bet he wishes we just had a dog to chew on his balls.

Eric: Yeah, eventually they are gonna stop delivering our mail.

*Eric snaps his finger and an unnamed flunkie throws the mail man on a larger pile of mail men*

Matt: Done and done.

Eric: I was wrong. Killing a mail man didnt make me feel better.

Matt: Freddie's dead....the final nightmare!

Eric: *cries* I need a hug.

Matt: Hold me!

*Eric and Matt embrace balling like little girls*

Eric: Why Joss why!

Matt: Ok...ok...calm down. We must wipe away the tears and be professional about this.

Eric: I dont wanna!

Matt: NEITHER DO I! *cries again*

Eric: *joins Matt in the crying* I wanna be selfish, Buffy Style. Couldn't they have just killed Angel again? Or Spike?

Matt: Or how about anyone except the LONE main-cast chick on the show! I mean, come on....now it's just "testosterone Wednesday".

Eric: Um, Matt...

Matt: Yeah?

Eric: Why are you dressed like Evil Fred? It's disturbing.

Matt: But...but....look at the AWESOME makeup! *prances a bit*

Eric: I know, but Matt...Um, I hate to tell you this but...


Matt: But look....skin tight! *snap*


Eric: You buldge in the wrong spots.

Matt: Oh, fine. You're no fun.

*strips off catsuit and puts on a t-shirt, while leaving the makeup on*

Eric: Umm, Matt...pants....and underwear. *taps his foot impatiently*

Matt: You are such a prude.


*puts on panties and a pain of jeans*

Matt: Good?

Eric: Good enough.

*Eric sits on the couch with tissue, chocolate ice cream and a Hardees thick burger, and tosses Matt his bon-bons.*

Matt: Nummy.

Eric: Time for the comfort food. *cries again*

Matt: I just want to punch Joss in the face like Lorne did to Eve. What a great segway.

Eric: I have to go ahead and say this, last night's episode was one of the best Angel episodes ever.

Matt: I will have to agree.

Eric: Even though it kept ripping your heart out.

Matt: It went all Gentlemen on me. I think there have been 3 episodes this season that all belong in the 10 of best episodes ever. And this is definitely one of them.

Eric: Yes. Almost every scene in the episode was a powerful scene. Especially where Lorne starts singing 'you are my sunshine', and then when Fred starts to sing. Lorne reads her and spins around to catch her.

Matt: Yeah...and the scene with the sword in Angel's chest.

Eric: Too Funny. Full of ups and downs. You could see at that point that Angel and Spike were bonding again.

Matt: Yeah, I like seeing Spike and Angel getting along. That alone deserves an extra season...just to see them kicking ass together.

Eric: They would be an unstoppable force. They are the dynamic duo without the gay Robin suit.

Matt: And did I or did I not say KNOX=EVIL? I said it at the very start!

Eric: Yes, the evil bastard. I want to beat him with a liquid Nitrogen canister.

Matt: Yeah, what about Gunn killing Knox? Don't you think there was more motive than just because of Fred dying? I think he did it also, because Gunn was partly responsible for this happening.

Eric: I don't think Knox is dead.

Matt: Well, if he isn't dead....he's pretty fucked up.

Eric: I don't think he is dead because Wes deserves the kill, Joss wouldn't take that from him.

Matt: Oh, who knows...Joss is such a bastard, he may take it away from Wes. He killed off Fred for God's sake!

Eric: No, I'll steal his panties again if he does...but Fred could come back, dont you think?

Matt: Sure. Why not. It's not like this is CSI: Miami.

Eroc: Damn right why not. I can't be without my Fred. Just like Angel said, and I am gonna say it again...Winifred Burkle. Not this Girl, Not this Season.

Matt: Yeah, these scenes are almost too much to take thinking back on them.

Eric: GOD...last night had many powerful lines and scenes....

Matt: Yes, we've been through this.


Eric: Almost every scene in the episode was a powerful scene.


Matt: See?

Eric: You are an ass.

Matt: I want to see what Evil-Demon-thing-that-looks-like-Fred is gonna be like next week.

Eroc: Probably will make evil Willow look like Season 1 Willow.

Matt: Might be. Might not. Might. All I want to know is....WHY????!!!

*Truman walks in*

Truman: Don't ask questions!


Matt: Sorry.

Eric: By the way, Truman, how long has it been since you got laid?

Truman: Eh....Me and Catherine The Great. In other words, awhile.

Eric: That's right, now shut up and watch your hole.

Truman: I mean...quit asking questions!

Eric: Don't make me Mailman you.

Truman: Fine, fine...I'm outta here. You people don't even have Fritos in here.

Eric: *snickers at an inside joke*

*Truman walks out*

Eric: I bet Truman has been eating Fritos a long time. *snickers at his own inside joke*

Matt: Eric, people aren't gonna get that.

Eric: My brother calls masterbation "eating fritos".

Matt: *snickers*

*As Truman walks out, a single tear drops from his eye*

Eric: What did you think about the Wes/Fred relationship stuff?

Matt: What do you mean what do I think? "It was great while it lasted"???!

Eric: It was nice seeing them how we all knew they should be. Wes reading to Fred...Oh My God. And him telling her that he loved her before they even met.

Matt: Yeah, cause that makes sense. omething tells me Wes has a little mummy dust in his brain.

Eric: What do you mean?

Matt: "I loved you before I met you."

Eric: What's wrong with that?

Matt: What is he, a part of Savage Garden?

Eric: Wes was telling her that they are soulmates.

Matt: Right. Right. If you believe that sort of thing.

Eric: If you are with your soulmate you do. It's one of those things you have to feel to truely believe in it.

Matt: Yeah, I guess. What if you think your lucky sock is your soulmate?

Eric: It could be, if your lucky sock has a soul.

Matt: ...Cause sometimes it feels that way. Sometimes it talks to me.

Eric: Actually Matt, I think that is becaue you left your meds in Atlanta.

Matt: I still think that rat fink Riggins stole 'em.

Eric: Probably. He has been rather normal lately.

Matt: Yeah...that's not normal that he's normal. So anyway...yeah, Fred and Wes were awesome together. She's dead, we're crying....and Joss is a heart-wrenching asshole.

Eric: That sums it up...All and alls?

Matt: Go for it.

Eric: All and all, this is by far the best episode of the season. Well-written, well directed, and Wes shot someone who was a total dumb ass. I have to give this episode an 11.

Matt: All in all, I agree that this was the best episode of the season. Joss' dialogue was tremendous, every scene was a knockout....I give it a 10.

That's it for this week...we'll see you next week as we rant about "Shells"!

Matt's Rating: 10.0
Eric's wonky rating: 11.0

Overall: 10.5?