r a n t s. f r o m. t h e . c r y p t
02.06.02 Soulless is Right! Soulless: The Rant Warning: Spoilerish to the amount of 10. This is my first rant so cut me a little slack, I don't know how long it will be, but it has to be said. First things first. Does Cordelia hate Angel or is there something about Armageddon that turns women into WHORES! I know that is harsh but lets take a quick look at Angel and Cordy's relationship thus far. The Cordelia Though Process - I Love You, but you were evil so I cant be with you right now. I need time. - Little did I know that that time was to bone your only son the much hated Connor. Thus further burying our relationship into the ground. After all the world may be ending, no reason to spend it with the one I love. - Well things are a little better now, so why don't I offer myself up to Angelus, You know the guy that kept me away from Angel when I got back. I mean come on! What in the hell is going on here?!? This is totally LAME! The teaser hinted that someone will die in the next episode, and I am having a hard time choosing between weather I want it to be Connor or Cordy! I hope when they do get Angel back he drops this bitch like a pair of last seasons shoes. Next topic what is with the Fred/Wesley kiss, now the kiss I understand and like, but the whole Gunn walking in on it? Geez how much more cliché can you get!! This is Angel, not friends, I was just waiting for one of the audience Ohhhhhhhhhh tracks when Gunn walked in. The fight between them was ok, but I would have rather scene more of a brawl. And the of course Gunn hits Fred, that is cliché number two! How many times have you scene this. I mean honestly, it is like the writers from Spike and Joyce's soap "Passions" are guest writing this week. Moving on, the whole "Family" scene that get Connor so broke up. Where in the hell did this come from? Connor doesn't care about family, he never tried to make one with Angel, never even considered it, hell he sent him down to the bottom of the ocean, to go crazy and live forever alone. Oh wait I get it now the massacred family must have made him home sick for Holtz! That's it, makes much more since now, taking in account his since of family. I didn't want to bring it up, but what is going on with this soul in the bottle thing? Angel has lost his soul twice before, with out a bottle. The shaman even made him loose it according to the curse, the whole happiness thing, so what is with the bottle? Buffy had no bottle why should they have a bottle now? And like we didn't know someone, probably Connor, was going to steal the bottle from the moment we saw it. LAME! LAME! LAME!!!! On a final note Bravo to Sean Astin, you did a MARVELOUS job on directing the episode kudos to you, too bad they didn't actually give you a real episode. And also kudos to David, you played Angelus beautify, the only redeeming thing in the episode. - Final Verdict: To quote Jay Sherman, "It Stinks!!!!" Rating: 2 STAKES Rant Over. - Eric |