r a n t s. f r o m. t h e . c r y p t
04.17.03 - Run, Winifred, RUUUNNNN! -- The Magic Bullet: The Rant Warning: Spoilerish to the amount of 10. - Look at Fred sprint. Sprint, Fred, Sprint. - That mexican guy's mustache gives him strength! It's a joke all on it's own. - The clerk in "Magic Bullet Books" reminds me of someone. *looks at Eric* Hmm...who could that be? - This pace of this eppy was sloooowww. So is this rant. - HOBBITS REFERENCE! That gets a 1/2 stake just for the comment. - The midget demon was pretty cool with me until he tried to eat Fred's shoulder. That wouldn't have been too meaty, I'll tell ya. - And by the way Jasmine...OSWALD DIDN'T ACT ALONE, DAMNITT! There's no way! NOOO WAY!!! Ok...I'm... ok. - Lorne rocked in this eppy. 'Nuff said. - So Angel and Fred made out so Jasmine disciples couldn't see their faces. It didn't work too well. Boy, THAT'S what you call "false advertising" by the WB. Make me question the scene all week long, and then give me a complete advertising let down. You know how many times they've done that to me? Too many to count. - Lorne, Wes and Gunn are cured by Jasmine's blood. Connor isn't. My theory: he's Jasmine's father (technically), so he has the same blood (or at least partly the same blood). They'll have to figure out another way of getting Connor back to...ehem...normal. Final Verdict: Like I said before, the pacing of this episode was extremely slow from my viewpoint. BUT it picked up as it went on. The whole gang is cured, except for Connor and a comatose Cordy. I'm interested to see what happens next, as this storyline hasn't been boring at all. I was thinking I'd lose interest in it after this episode, but it turns out it just makes me want to see the next one. Rating: 3 STAKES Rant Over. - Mac |