r a n t s. f r o m. t h e . c r y p t

03.27.03 -

Elecrifying -- Players: The Rant

Warning: Spoilerish to the amount of 10.

Wow-wee, what an ending.

You know, I've been on the side of loving Elecrtic Gwen Raiden since her intro into the world of AtS. And man, she hasn't let me down yet. The whole sub-plot with Gunn was pure fun. An action-packed filler section, that was actually WORTHY of being good filler. It's been awhile since we got something like that from a sub-plot, and I was stoked.

Gunn and Gwen are extremely cool together. That's a pretty generic statement, but it's best way I can put it. For the past year, Gunn has been latched onto Fred and seeming like Gwen said, "the muscle". And she's right, that's all he's been. But in this episode, we get to look at Gunn as the way he entered the show. Gwen was right - he's suave, he's strong, and when he wants to be - he's a sweet guy who will do anything to help someone. Ask Fred. I was waiting for that Charles Gunn to come back, and we got to see him again in this episode.

While Gunn and Gwen are heating it up, it appears that Wesley and Fred are in a state of calm for the moment. Wesley isn't sure if he should make a move right now or not. He's not sure Fred is ready for that. He's right, because it looks like she herself isn't sure about the future. Once Fred finds out what Gunn did with Ms. Electro Girl, she may lean more and more towards Wes. We'll see.

Angel is back to his old self again. But I hate it when they bash us over the head to make us remember this fact. I.E - when Cordy was at the door, and Angel knew it was her. We get it. He's back.

Andy Hallett is in the opening credits this week, and I LOVE it. Lorne is one of my favorite characters, and he finally gets his due. I'm glad.

The ending was unbelievably good. Cordy was finally found out as evil, and damn it all if Angel didn't set the whole capture up. It was like a drug bust or something. When the lights came on in the warehouse and the gang surrounded her, I swear I started to cheer. "Cordy's been a bad girl". Definitely.

Final Verdict: This was a blast to watch. It was an action-adventure subplot with a great twist at the end. I always say I loved the "oh shit" moments on both shows, this was no exception. We got to see Gunn in a better way as well. Connor still nags the crap out of me, but at least his lines were fewer. Excellent and fun episode.

Rating: 3 1/2 STAKES

Rant Over.

- Mac