
In The Dark

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Texte frei nach Gehör zusammengestellt von Lesley Remencus (Angel Music Pages). Nähere Informationen zu den Interpreten, Bezugsquellen für die Alben gibt es am angegebenen Ort.

     Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - "Symphony No. 41"
     (während Spike Angel quält)

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"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (TM), its characters, and the Buffy logo are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the WB Television Network, and Twentieth Century Fox. This is an unofficial site and not affiliated in any way with the aforementioned people or companies. The information on this, and adjoining, pages is provided solely as a resource for the audience of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". No copyright infringement is intended. You can find the official Site at

Angelegt / Geändert: 11. August 2000 / 12. August 2000

Design & Text © 1998-2001 by GL
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