o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s
The Dimension
- The ULTIMATE BUFFY Episode Countdown
10 more! I've lost my mind! And judging from what I have on....my underwear too.
If you only see the first 35 minutes of this episode, you'd probably wonder why it's title is called
that. Really, it should've been called "Buffy hearts Dracula". Now that would've been appropriate. Oh Buffy,
what is your affinity for vampires necking you? Great scenes include Giles down in the pit with the 3 ladies,
Xander eating bugs and being a buttmonkey, and Willow acting all "Giles is so good" to try and make him stay.
Also - the beginning of the end of the Captain Cardboard test.
So Spike has Warren build him a Buffy bot....for...um....certain purposes. Buffy is off getting vague messages
from a dead slayer, and Giles is apparently doing the hokey pokey. We also get Glory torturing Spike, as the
gang goes to rescue him (kinda). Then Buffy kisses Spike, which really kind of kicks the 'chaining me up to
a wall and trying to force me to love you' thing right out the window. She is the queen of the lead-ons.
Spike and Anya get drunk and have sex. Obviously Xander isn't pleased with this, so he walks his ass
down to the Magick Box to kill Spike. Can't really blame him, even if he did leave Anya at the alter. Buffy
stops him, for reasons I can't fathom. Then Spike lets it out that he also had sex with Buffy, to which Xander
can't handle this bit of info. Again, can't really blame him. It wasn't his night.
Introducing Spike and Drusilla. One is obsessed with slayers, the other is clinically insane. Fun times. Oh, and
just ignore the part where Spike calls Angel his "sire". It never happened. SOUR LEMONADE, bitches!
The scoobies figure out that Spike was trying to seperate them, so they get together and don't kill him. What
the hell is the matter with you people? They do a spell and unite as a super slayer to take down Adam. Very Matrix-y,
but very cool none the less. The only stupid part is when Riley, who isn't supposed to be able to move at all,
picks his arm up and rips out the chip in his heart. Oy.
Buffy is Faith. Faith is Buffy. Not exactly like Ben is Glory, and Glory is Ben....but still. So Faith
is having all kinds of fun in Buffy's body, including -- having sex with Riley (which now that I think of it,
probably isn't all that fun), telling Spike she could make him giggle like a school girl (not in those words,
but you get my drift), and being all "you can't do that, because it's WRONG." HA! She sounds exactly like that
Angelus kills Jenny and voice-overs poetry. They should kill him for killing Jenny, but they should TORTURE
him for the poetry. Giles, as you might expect, isn't very happy about Jenny being dead; so he goes to
the factory to try and kill Angelus. Sadly, he doesn't, and Buffy saves him. Then she punches him and cries.
Talk about mood shifting.
Willow is all sorts of pissed off that Warren killed Tara, so she goes all black and veiny and then flays him.
I'm guessing by Xander's reaction in the next episode that it didn't smell so good. Apparently also, Willow
has become so powerful that she can pull bullets out of chests. I guess that's good for Buffy's sake, 'cause
she was just about ready to hit a dirt nap again. That girl dies a lot.
Spike comes back to town
The gang decides to throw Buffy a surprise party, then the episode ends with the surprise that Angel just
lost his soul. OHHHH....so THAT'S why it's called SURPRISE. Huh, what do ya know? Also - The Judge has
been assembled. He's big and blue...like a smurf on steroids.
God of home perms: SMG is sensational as the buffybot in Intervention and Spike at his best as he defies Glory's torture. A superb episode - funny and touching, and probably my choice as number 1. Nikole: People be quiet about Passions already. That episode was so crappy with Angel's retarted voice over. be3d7@hotmail.com: as with alot of other ppl Passions deserves top 10 Atalanta: Entropy should have been a bit further down. Passion should be in the top 10, or at the very least top 20. Basically agreed with the rest. Oh and I loved the 'smurf on steroids' remark. Slayer99: passion and surpise are top 10 episodes. Spike_And_Angel: Intervention and Entropy are funny. So much sex. School Hard is when Spike and Dru come and you gotta love them. I like Who Are You too. Faith in Buffy's body is pretty entrtaining. Lover's Walk is like one of my favourite episodes! He he. Smurf on Steroids in Surprise. lmao Levis Omelasz: Fucking hilarious what you put at the start of the Lover's Walk comment LOL. my_angel: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU??? PASSION is number ONE in my list! i think it's the best buffy episode EVER! or among the best... still, it should be much much higher Dark Slayer: Your review of Who Are You cracked me up. Vampire Lady: I'm going to have to concur with High on Unlife and Rebecca (but more with High On Unlife's reasoning). Passion should be higher. I'm pretty sure I haven't seen episodes yet that I would put a lot lower. But like everybody else, you're gonna be an ass and make us wait to see. :P |