o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s
The Dimension
- Bottom to Top: The BUFFY Episode Countdown
Someday we'll actually be out of the one-hundreds. Someday.
Introducing Dawn. It took us 2 1/2 years to forgive Joss, and this episode
is the beginning of those 2 1/2 years. When we first saw this, we were like "what the
hell? Who the hell is that? Buffy doesn't have a sister!" And then suddenly we decided
not to care as the episode progressed. Yeah, she's an annoying little shit. Here's to ya!
You had to know something was up with Amy Madison when she went to a sweet 16 party and said,
"You kids with your loud music!" Ok, so she didn't say that, nor was it all that funny, but you
try writing 138 blurbs. The Witch isn't a horrible episode, it's just not that great. And if
you didn't already get that it was her mom by the 2nd act, you should probably stop watching genre
television, because you are a dumb ass.
It's the return of everyone's favorite inanimate object -- Riley Finn! And look, he's brought
someone just as brutally yawn-worthy as himself -- his wife Sam! We also get "The Doctor", a subplot
that makes no sense. As well as the WORST SCENE IN THE HISTORY of the show, the HELICOPTER exit. Well,
I think maybe it's tied with the snow falling in "Amends"....but it's bad. Bye Riley! May we never see
your boring annoying ass again!
It's The Initiative! A secret underground military branch that hunts and disects demons and vampires. So
Buffy's secret isn't really a secret....the government's even heard of her. Granted, they thought she
was a myth, but they knew about the demons! They call them "H.S.T's", because as we all know, the military
loves to abbreviate.
When Season 7 began, Buffy fans were totally jacked up waiting for the first episode. Excited about
the possibilities of getting out of the dark Marti-endrenched depths of hell that was Season 6...and
back to a more simple time. Instead we got a season premiere that was a total letdown. Dawn has new friends,
and they both look like they're old enough to be her parents....but they're supposed to pass for high schoolers.
Then we never see them again. I mean...never. Elsewhere, Willow is learning to control her crackwhore'ishness
in England. Except we can't really tell it's England with all the close-ups of her and Giles. What's the
point in going to England if you can't tell it's England?! Let's face it -- Joss just went to England
to blow Fox and UPN's money. HAHA! Eat it, suckas!
Atalanta: I love Dawn, she's one of my favourite characters, and Real Me is a good episode; lots of fun with Harmony and her minions!! No idea how you could put it this low on the list. I agree with the other 4 though. UnpluggedCrazy: I have composed my own ranking of every Buffy episode (back in January, before I knew you weirdos existed), though I only have the first 50 numbered...and The Initiative comes in at #48. :-( Come on, besides the Saran Wrap on the floors, it was a pretty cool episode, especially the whole Spike/Willow thing. That was great. And I for one thought that Real Me was a very underrated episode...I found the whole annoying sibling rivalry very funny... Spikes_love_slave: i love "as you were" at the end". that final scene with spike and buffy was priceless. plus i know it doesnt really matter but i really liked buffy's shirt...lol angelus: somehow, i dont have a hard time imagining joss blowing fox's money just for fun. and dear LORD, did i despise 'as you were'. to think that i liked riley at one point....ick. Moi: Lessons should be higher. It had a really cool ending. jo: Pretty good choices. But I thought 'The Witch' and 'Real Me' were both quite hilarious. Spike: I agree, accept for the Real Me, that episode was funny. |