o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s
The Dimension
- Bottom to Top: The BUFFY Episode Countdown
Countdowns, man. Countdowns. What? You thought all these would be clever?
It's the only disappointing Halloween episode ever! Ok, so there were only 3
Halloween episodes, but still, this one sucked compared to the other two. Sure,
we got Pirate Xander (an ironic karmic twist, grant you), but we also got Dawn
dating a vampire. And let's face it, season 6 really wasn't kind to Dawn's
reputation. We all hated her, you can't deny it. She was an annoying little shit
that season, and this episode just summed it all up.
If you've been an avid reader of this website since the beginning, you should already
know my stance on domestic violence....it's hillarious! Ok, so no, you know I hate it,
and I'd rather see less of it on TV. This is a fantasy show, afterall. Can't we live without
men beating up women for awhile? If I recall this show is about women empowerment. When did
Debbie get empowered? Never. She was still cowering in the corner until the end. Luckily
we get animal-esque Angel to the rescue, and Buffy's "willy-ness" poetry at the end that
I believe made me regurgitate on my shoes the first time I saw it.
It's sad that this is episode 20 of the last season of Buffy. We get untimely sexcapades from
our scoobies, including the total "what the hell just happened?" Faith/Wood scene. Not to mention
the Willow/Kennedy zero-chemistry-at-all boopity-boop, and a scene with Spike being all not-annoying,
which simply creeped me out. Although the time bomb at the end was great, cause hey, I think it killed
some potentials. I guess not everything was bad.
GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!!!!!!!! It wasn't the first time, thankfully it was the last. Ok, so Dawn
wished to have everyone stuck in the house with her. Hasn't she been around Anya long enough to know
not to do that? I mean, GEEZ Dawn, pay attention. She wants everyone to take her seriously as an adult...
seriously? With decisions like this? Oh Dawn, you so crazy. We do get more of everyone's favorite kitten-eater,
Clem. So it's not entirely gag-worthy, but almost.
Ok, so people will probably think I'm crazy for having this so low, but Lily/Chantrelle/Anne is irritating.
I don't like her. I don't like her on Buffy, I don't like her on Angel. There's something about her that
I can't stand, and this is the worst episode featuring her in it. Sure, we get Buffy as a cute waitress
with a 'tude, but we also get Buffy with the worst highlights ever bestowed on a human being. What the hell
was that 'do all about? She looked like Mrs. Frankenstein. Someone needs to kick the stylist in her ass.
Lurker: hey hey hey the everyone stuck in house with dawn one was genius - if only cos of Halfrek. erin elizabeth ann winkle: I want to see older and far a way because I like that because I like it. Atalanta: I love Older and Far Away! And I don't think All the Way should be this low down either, although it's not a favourite. I'd probably put Beauty and the Beast and Anne even lower than you though, even if Anne does have the great line 'I'm Buffy. The Vampire Slayer. And you are?' Lurker: I love Older and Far Away! And I don't think All the Way should be this low down either, although it's not a favourite. I'd probably put Beauty and the Beast and Anne even lower than you though, even if Anne does have the great line 'I'm Buffy. The Vampire Slayer. And you are?' UnpluggedCrazy: Touched was actually a very good episode. And the gratuitous Willow/Kennedy sex was the only time I was able to stomach Kennedy. Because she wasn't talking. She was fucking. Good writers. Spikes_love_slave: OMFG take touched off u little freak. it was like the most rockin episodes ever! spike and buffy actually connected and weren't just having sex...for once. becides any episode where faith gets her ass kicked always ranks high with me! Lurker: they all sooooo rocked man!
- love Anne so much!
- and Beauty and The beast is one of my all-time favorite! angelus: i can forgive touched, if only for the heather nova song and spike's speech to buffy, because im a hopeless romantic. i have a soft spot in my heart for 'oafa', however. i could forgive dawn for her mistake, and i just like everyone's interaction with each other. however, i still cringe at the sight of sophie and clem dancing. Tara: All the way should have been much lower. I would have liked to see it all the way down on the bottom of the list. The rest are just about right, I'd say. Rebecca: "Anne" I sorta liked. Chanterelle/Lily I can stand. But the whole time-warp thing, and the homeless-kids-in-need ... basically, "Anne" was an Angel episode with no Angel. |