o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s
The Dimension
- Bottom to Top: The BUFFY Episode Countdown
Quick Reminder: Just because I have an episode ranked low doesn't mean I hate the entire episode. It just
means that there are other episodes that I like more. Get it in your head, re-re.
It was a plan all along! BWHAHAHAHA! I can see Faith falling for this, but The Mayor? Come on! He's really
old, he should know better. And why didn't Buffy, Giles and Angel let Willow, Xander, and Oz in on this plan?
Was there an explanation? I think so, but if I can't remember it, it probably means it sucked.
Buffy thinks she was in Heaven. That's about all you need to get out of this one. Meanwhile, the gang is trying
to get rid of some demon spirit that followed Buffy out of the dimensional hole....er something. Everyone
goes crazy, and Dawn finally breathes the fire the way we always knew she could. You didn't? Watch all of season 6...
you'll see.
Spike steals Riley's doctor and tries to get him to take out that pesky chip. Unfortunently, the chip
is 'embedded within his cerebral cortex'. Oh yes, I pay THAT much attention. And yes, it is sad. Also -
Riley is having a heart attack which is just funny....and he turns Buffy around a lot, and acts all macho,
blah, blah, yawn. Sadly, he doesn't die.
Some crazy former Watcher comes to town, claiming to be Faith's new Watcher. BEEEEEP....wrong, except the
gang buys it. Geez Giles...BACKGROUND CHECK? So she wants the glove of midegan. A bunch of stuff happens,
including Faith trying to kill Angel because she thinks he's evil, and Xander kinda helping because....well,
he doesn't like the guy. Then there's this whole lightning show and Angel saves Willow, which I guess means
all is forgiven for torturing Giles and killing Jenny. GROUP HUG!
It's another penis demon, except this one comes out of the earth. Oh, for better phrasing. Spike is all sane
again, and then....whoop...nope, he isn't! He's as looney as Mel Blanc on a Saturday morning! We get the 'spark'
speech, which isn't all that bad....eh. We also get another 'character you'll never see again' in Nancy, and
Buffy's hearing voices again, which can't be good. Mel Blanc....HA! God, I hope people get that.
Atalanta: For once, a part of the list that I agree completely with.. UnpluggedCrazy: Am I the only one who noticed that Beneath You serves as Tremors 5: The Graboids Meet Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Derivative, but kinda entertaining. angleus: revelations well deserves its slot on this countdown. gwendolyn post is horrid. 'after life' had minor redeeming factors, like buffy telling only spike about heaven, and anya cutting herself creeps the SHIT out of me every time i see it. it pains me to see 'beneath you' on here, because the ending blew me away, but realistically, there was nothing else notable about the rest of the episode (except spike and xander's previously-mentioned guilty look). Rogue Slayer: I've been agreeing with you, and you make good decisions, but I gotta disagree on Revelations (yes, I know it's stupid, but it has Faith!) and Enemies(one of my fave eps...dunno why, maybe cuz Faith is mean to Buffy) Blondie: I agree about umm.. what was it called? Ahh yes Enimies. More like benemies. Don't know what that means but it was hte first thing that rhymed with emimies that popped into my head... Buffy Maniac: Umm why do you call it a penis demon? Lucky: that would have been a funny flash back The First: I hated Beneath You for one reason only: when I'll-never-see-or-hear-from-you-again-Nancy asks the Scoobies (and Spike) if they all had sex between them, Spike and Xander exchange this guilty look. I was expecting a flashback involving Xander, Spike and some flavored condoms, but nonethless, I was dissappointed. Rebecca: Man, I could see how writing a countdown would be really hard. I'd put all the seasons together. Damn Dirty Ape: S&A - Beneath Toy? Is that the Camden Toy underground porn flick? |