o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s
The Dimension
- The ULTIMATE BUFFY Episode Countdown
I like pie....and countdowns.
This one should probably have been a couple pages back just for the balcony scene
alone. But there's something about this episode that grabs my attention -- I think
with the exception of "Seeing Red" this may be the darkest episode emotionally in the
7 year run of the show. Not to say that's a good thing, but you gotta give it points for
that. The impact and all. I don't really know where I'm going with this....yay, confusion
thy name be me.
"Over the river and through the woods to Giles' house we go,
The funniest part about this one is the opening credits. You know, Jonathan
could actually dress like that if he felt like it. Why he resorts back to the
lame striped shirt at the end, I'll never know. If he knows that the suit makes
him look cool, why not wear the suits in this reality? Did his fashion sense die
with all his other abilities?
It's the first episode! Yeah, maybe it's a little low, but you gotta find somewhere to put
it. We get introduced to Buffy Summers, a young girl who over the course of 7 years will die
twice and screw two vampires....Horrible Fate = 4, Buffy = 0. This is also before Giles became
cool Ripper "uh oh, daddy's home" Giles. And apparently those stupid binky suckers were still in
style. Who the hell thought up that concept? Oh, and did we ever see Xander on that skateboard again?
I wonder if the crash infront of the school was too traumatic for him. And Willow, don't you listen
to Cordelia, Sears has great clothing outlets.
Sunnydale, the hellmouth, being the slayer....it's all in some psycho's mind. That psycho being
Buffy. You know, this episode doesn't irritate me as much as it does other folks. My opinion has
always been "it's just a one-shot episode, it doesn't really matter. It's really just a 'what-if'". But
people seem to get pissed at it, because it leaves the "Roseanne" shit finale taste in your mouth. Oh well,
get over it and take some valuum....ya know, like crazy Buffy.
Lurker: Normal Again was brilliant...but I didnt want to watch buffy again for a while. Im in the 'they took it all away' camp there. Pangs and Superstar are two of my fav's. I often hook people to watch buffy by showing them The Initiative, Pangs then Something Blue. Lurker: I LOVED Normal Again! Soo cool - playing with your mind... and you can see how Buffy would *need* to almost believe that to be sane. I make sense in my head. Atalanta: Normal Again and Welcome.. should be higher up, and I'd put Pangs lower down although there were some good moments in it. UnpluggedCrazy: Normal Again's great. But while we're on the subject of the Roseanne finale (WOW, great segue there), I was so fucking pissed off. We get emotionally invested for years in some great characters and then in the last season, not only do they win the lottery and obliterate every shred of blue collar realism that made the show great, BUT THEN IT'S ALL A FUCKING BOOK! WHAT THE SHIT?! FUCK. Everyone who thinks the last season of Buffy was a major letdown should watch the last season of Roseanne. Lurker: Normal Again has to be WAY HIGHTER
- it's one of the best episodes EVER!
- Superstar us BTW my least episode..I would put it on 144 angelus: i love 'dead things'. love love love it. i love spike in general, but i felt he was at his best in this episode, even though watching him manipulate buffy makes me want to throw things at the screen. 'superstar', however, was indeed a load of crap. The First: Dead Things was cool, and hate me but I liked the shit taste of Normal Again. And Welcome... should be a little higher, I mean, it's the only time we get to see Xander in the Skateboard of Sexyness. Spike_And_Angel: Ya, I think everything was well put, but Pangs should be higher. It had Angel and a captured Spike, that's always funny. Lil: pangs had this going for it: "you made a bear!" "i didn't mean to!" "undo it, undo it!" welcome to the hellmouth was better than a lot of the ones that haven't been listed yet. normal again and dead things were two of the very few good eps in season 6. Vampire Lady: See, I would have Pangs lower on the list and Normal Again higher, but that's just me, obviously. I love Normal Again. It's a fantastic episode and really should be higher. Pangs is just overrated. |