o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s

The Dimension

- Bottom to Top: The Angel Episode Countdown
by Matt -12.06.04
[ mlee@blkswan.com ]

  And we continue the countdown...

Getting so, so close.

#10 - Five By Five
[episode 1.18]

Faith is in Los Angeles, and she's going to make Angel's life a living hell. Either that or fall apart and cry on his shoulder. My favorite scene has to be where she's torturing Wes and about ready to blow torch his face. You can't go wrong with a blow torch, folks.

#9 - Waiting in the Wings
[episode 3.13]

The gang goes to the ballet, and chaos ensues. You know what I've realized -- in any Joss episode you can add the words "and chaos ensues". That's why we love him, I'd wager. This is a great concept episode. Hey, what the hell is River Tam doing dancing about? Shouldn't she be getting experimented on right about now?

#8 - To Shanshu In L.A.
[episode 1.22]

The finale of Season 1 was a doozy. Angel slices off Lindsey's hand, Angel hears about the Shanshu prophecy, and Darla's alive (if you want to call it that) in a box. Me likey.

#7 - Are You Now, Or Have You Ever Been
[episode 2.2]

In one of the very few non-annoying Flashback episodes of Angel, we see our fearless leader in the 1940's living at the Hyperion. There's a paranoia demon, there's a girl who is apparently molatto (but doesn't look like it at all), and there's a hangin'. One 'wooooooo' for a hangin'.

#6 - You're Welcome
[episode 5.12]

Cordy is back, kinda, to help Angel get back on his path. This is a huge episode for those who love the mythology of the series, as we get Cordy being Cordy, and Angel being Angel, and we even get a little tribute and a tip of the hat to Doyle (Glenn Quinn). Not only that, but we get a very "crouching tiger" fight scene between Angel and Lindsey. It's all very, very good. Next up: The Top 5 Episodes!

Parts -> [20]   [19]   [18]   [17]   [16]   [15]   [14]   [13]   [12]   [11]   [10]   [9]   [8]   [7]   [6]   [5]   [4]   [3]   [2]   [1]


Atalanta: I wouldn't have put Are You Now.. anywhere near this high; it's okay, but nothing special. Five by Five and You're Welcome would probably be in my top 5, but I agree completely with the other two.
(07.05.2005, 09:37)

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