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The Dimension

- Bottom to Top: The Angel Episode Countdown
by Matt -10.08.04
[ mlee@blkswan.com ]

  And we continue the countdown...

That's levitation, homes...

#85 - That Old Gang of Mine
[episode 3.3]

Gunn has some choices to make. Grow some hair, leave it shaved, use clippers, use scissors, fade, or 'fro. Oh yeah, and whether or not he should kill Angel to impress his old crew. Decisions, decisions.

#84 - Apocalypse, Nowish
[episode 4.7]

Cool CGI. The eclipse and the rain of fire. I can't say anything bad about that. But this episode features the worst scene in the history of the show. Connor. Cordy. Eww. It probably should be lower rated, but like I said, I liked the effects. Not a great excuse, I'll give you that.

#83 - Players
[episode 4.16]

To stick with our theme of people who shouldn't boink, Gwen and Gunn do the nasty. That alone should be enough to bring this one far enough down the list. Although there is the awesome last scene where everyone gets a clue and realizes Cordy's been a "bad girl". Tsk, Tsk.

#82 - Life of the Party
[episode 5.5]

Lorney Tunes goes a bit Looney Tunes when he has W&H take away his sleep. Hillarity ensues, as Gunn pisses on pretty much everything at the office, Angel and Eve have sex, Wes and Fred act drunk, Spike gets the power of positive-thinking. Oh, and Lorne doubles up and turns into the incredible Hulk. Stan Lee's gonna sue someone.

#81 - Somnambulist
[episode 1.11]

One of Angel's old pupils of terror comes back to....ehhh...terrorize? Yeah, we'll go with that. Kate gets all "What are you?" on Angel, and then stakes the pupil dude with a massive wooden post. That all sounds cool except Kate was in it. You can't always get what you want.

Parts -> [5]   [4]   [3]   [2]   [1]
Check back for the next 5...coming soon!


Atalanta: I liked Life of the Party. I agree on Apocalypse Nowish; most of the episode was good so it can't be too low, but that one scene is just too yucky to put it any higher..
(07.05.2005, 09:22)

Lurker: apocalypse is too well done, has to be higher!!
(03.04.2005, 09:45)

Noell: I luved life of the party. ur just crazy
(10.10.2004, 11:05)

Lia: I like Kate, but I concur.
(09.10.2004, 11:45)

Kirsten: I agree (mostly) but I think I would have put Somnambulist a little lower on the list. But I see where you're coming from - Cordy giving the "hard sell" to an empty chair *was* pretty funny.
(09.10.2004, 11:05)

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