o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s

The Dimension

- Bottom to Top: The Angel Episode Countdown
by Matt -10.02.04
[ mlee@blkswan.com ]

  The Major Countdown! Yes, I AM this CRAZY! And no, the drugs haven't kicked in yet! Angel episodes from 110 to 1! What's the best? Well, you'll be waiting for that one. Let's begin this wacky countdown, shall we?

#110 - Blind Date
[episode 1.21]

Blind Girl. Evil stuff. Dumb stuff. A little bit of everything that's blah.

#109 - I Fall To Pieces
[episode 1.4]

This guy is obsessed with this girl, Melissa. He can detach pieces of his body - thus the title. It's all rather silly.

#108 - The Prodigal
[episode 1.15]

Kate's dad dies. She cries a LOT, she blames Angel. You can imagine why I don't care for this one. It's a frustrating mess, and besides which, it's Kate-centric. That says enough.

#107 - Happy Anniversary
[episode 2.13]

Gene's girlfriend is breaking up with him, so he invents this time-stopping device so that he can stay put in an everlasting orgasm. Yes, that's the episode. Yes, that's an Angel episode. The only good part is when Lorne has to pretend to be a mascot at the college Library.

#106 - Slouching Towards Bethlehem
[episode 4.4]

Cordy (if that's her REAL name) can't remember who she is, or who anyone is. She doesn't trust Angel or anyone...except Connor. Go figure. Then there's some boob touching, and it's creepy.

Check back for the next 5...coming soon!


Lurker: oh, these are all fun - why do people hate I fall to pieces? that one is great - I love creepy episodes
(03.04.2005, 09:36)

eVertigo: I fall to pieces was the first ep of ATS I ever saw.... I didn't tune in to angel for over a year, only when i really got into the buffyverse i decided to give angel another shot (thank joss)
(09.10.2004, 10:53)

G Thing: "Blind Date" is a very good episode. It developed Wolfram and Hart and Lindsey's character. I have found it to be rewatchable. I simply cannot agree.
(05.10.2004, 20:23)

Poobs: Tony - Yes.
(03.10.2004, 01:34)

Lia: Total agreement on the eps, Poobs.
(02.10.2004, 21:13)

Fanofangel: This will be fun. Go Poobah.....
(02.10.2004, 20:33)

Tony le Gross: Ewwwwww, techno....
(02.10.2004, 20:03)

Miles Full of Smiles: I loved The Prodigal. Then again I love techno.
(02.10.2004, 19:17)

Kirsten: I'm with you so far, Poobs. . . .
(02.10.2004, 17:20)

Tony le Gross: I liked Blind Date...does that make me a worthless piece of Camel shit?
(02.10.2004, 14:32)

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