o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s
The Dimension
- Bottom to Top: The Angel Episode Countdown
And we continue the countdown...
#35 - Peace Out
Angel looks for a way to off Jasmine, and what do you know, he succeeds...kinda. Connor has to
nail her. That didn't come out right, but then again, he has a thing for older women.
Lindsey is in Wolfram & Hart's version of pergatory. It's really creepy...the 'burbs. Oh yeah,
and a basement monster who rips out your heart everyday. I thought the 'burbs part seemed worse
Angel tortures Linwood. Just for that act alone this one should be this high. But we also get
Angel pretending to forgive Wes as he lies in a hospital bed, only to try to smother him with a pillow
moments later. Is this love that I'm feeling? I think so!
Angel and Gunn go undercover to stop a couple demons and a really naive security guard from stealing
an important artifact out of a whosey-whatsits. Angel wears some funny Goodfellas gettup, and
they all lose their minds due to that wonky shroud. I like it because it's different in the non-sucky
Cordelia is dying and Skip gives her a choice (a choice which, apparently, plays a big role in the
next 16 months) - she can be a successful actress and live her dream, or go back to the A.I team
in the real world and become part demon. I wonder what she picked? Hmmm...
Next up: The top 30 of all-time! Feel the excitement! my_angel: shroud of rahmon? excuse me? what do u like it for??? Atalanta: Where have parts 7-15 gone?? Shroud of Rahmon should be much lower, it was boring. And Birthday should be much higher, it's one of my favourites. |