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The Dimension
- Bottom to Top: The Angel Episode Countdown
And we continue the countdown...
#25 - Spin The Bottle
The gang turns into their teenage-selves. Fred apparently was a little pot
smoker back in the day, we all know what Cordy was, Gunn was a bad ass who
wasn't all that bad (basically like we know him currently), Wes was Head Boy,
and Angel spoke with a shitty irish accent. Good stuff.
Angel and Spike go to Italy to do some work, and at the same time go into a
jealous rage that Buffy is with some dude named "The Immortal". You have to have
some sort of swagger to pull THAT name off. Meanwhile, Andrew turns into a
ladies man, Fox spends more than 42 cents on the production design, and I begin
to ponder if the world just ended.
B/A'ers will be like "THIS IS A TRAVESTY!", let's face it -- this was a good episode, but not
even close to the best. We got a really stupid jewel-headed demon, and we got Buffy and Angel smoochies
for 44 minutes. Sure the rollercoaster to this was excellent, and I loved those damned oracles,
but it just didn't grab me like the next 22 did.
Spike comes to town....the first time. Not the holographic time. You know, with the guy who likes
to torture people and murder kids. God, I miss that Spike. Anyway, it has Oz too...and it's the better
"Angel human/impervious" episode out of the 2 here.
Fred's gone, and all that's left is the Blue Meanie. Illyria hath arrived, and you pathetic human
weaklings shall bow before her, and then she shall hang your heads on her mantle. She's so much FUN.
Oh yeah, and that rat bastard Knox gets shot and killed by Wes. He had it comin'.
20 to go??! YEEEEE DOGGIES! Atalanta: Girl in Question should be way way lower; it was just way too silly, especially so close to the series finale. Had some good moments, mainly those with Illyria, but overall, not great.
- Otherwise not a bad list, though I'd have put I Will Remember You a little bit higher. |