o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s
The Dimension
- Bottom to Top: The Angel Episode Countdown
And we continue the countdown...
#30 - Reunion
Darla and Dru are out and about like a couple of Catholic School Girls hopped up
on a sugar rush. Of course, it's more like a blood rush...not to mention they're
about 500 years old combined. But we'll just let that slide. Hey, and Angel
locks the W&H staff in a room with them so that the ladies can have a nice meal!
Who says chivalry is dead?
It's another Darla episode! This time she decides not be a soulless selfish ho and actually stakes
herself for her child. You know, I'd say that was a good thing except for the fact that we know
how Connor turns out, and if she'd been around maybe he wouldn't have so many mommy issues.
Illyria is bending time, but don't blame her. It's not like she's getting a kick out of it or
something. This one has some cool effects in it, especially that bad ass power-suckage gun.
The A.I Team takeover Wolfram & Hart. This should be interesting, and it is. It all leads to the
last and best season of Angel. Hey Lilah, what's with the scarf? Is the wind CUTTING like a knife?!
GET IT? GET IT? I'll be here all week, tip your waitress.
Hey, it's the very next episode! The Season 5 premiere was practically orgasmic, because it was
such a change, and then at the end we see Spike has come back. It's all just happy-happy and all
that, and it only gets better. Except for Harm's Way, Hell Bound and Unleashed. Those just sucked
donkey nuts, and the donkey didn't even enjoy it.
Parts -> [16] [15] [14]
[13] [12]
[11] [10]
[9] [8]
[7] [6]
[5] [4]
[3] [2]
[1] Atalanta: Good list, agree completely. |