Buffy Episodenguide |
6x21 "Two To Go"
[Da waren's nur noch Zwei]
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Willow: What are you doing here? 'Cause if you're looking for me, now's not a great time.
Dawn: You look terrible.
Willow: Do I?
Dawn: You're back on the magicks.
Willow: No, honey. I am the magicks.
Andrew: Start over. We can be the Duo, you and me. You can even be the leader. I swear I'll take orders. I like taking orders. Just tell me what to do.
Xander: Hey, now, fellas! Play nice or you'll break our concentration.
Anya: Which means no protection spell.
Xander: And Willow will make you two boneless chickens skinless, too.
Andrew: And then what? You think your little witch buddy's gonna stop with us? You saw her! She's a truck-driving magick mama and we've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you bunch has the midiclorians to stop her.
Anya: The annoying virgin has a point. What if Willow filets their souls and comes after us?
Xander: She won't.
Anya: You don't know that.
Xander: We're her friends, Anya. Her family. She would never hurt us.
Anya: She tried to use you for a hood ornament, Xander. She doesn't care if you live or die.
Xander: Guess you two finally have something in common.
Anya: I care if you live or die, Xander. I'm just not sure which one I want.
Xander: Look, be both know things might get ugly at Wiccapalooza and if it gets really bad-
Anya: Let me guess. You'll propose?
Xander: I need to know if you're going to turn on me. Use this little shindig as an excuse for some sweet revenge.
Anya: You know, none of this would be happening if it weren't for you.
Xander: You think I don't know that? You think I'm the hero of this piece? I saw the gun before Warren raised it. I saw it and I couldn't move. He shot two of my friends before I could even... (kurze Pause) You want me to know how useless I am? That it's my fault? Thanks. I already got the memo.
Willow: Jonathan. Andrew. You boys like magick, don't you? Abracadabra!
Buffy: Will, back off before somebody gets hurt.
Willow: How about I back off right after?
Xander: (zu Jonathan) Let's go.
Jonathan: What about Willow?
Xander: Buffy can handle her.
Dawn: Are you sure?
Xander: That's why we're leaving.
Willow: So... here we are.
Buffy: Are we really gonna do this?
Willow: Come on! This is a huge deal for me. Six years as a sideman, now I get to be the Slayer.
Buffy: A killer isn't a Slayer. Being a Slayer means something you can't conceive of.
Willow: Oh, Buffy... you really need to have every square inch of your ass kicked.
Buffy: Then show me what you got... and I'll show you what a Slayer really is.
Andrew: Yeah, and what if the Slayer's dead already? We're just supposed to sit around waiting for Sabrina to show up and disembowel us?
Willow: Buffy, I gotta tell ya. I get it now. The Slayer thing really isn
Wilow: And there
Plötzlich gibt es einen grünen Blitz und Willow fliegt durch die ganze Magic Box. In der Tür steht Giles.
Giles: I