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Mediavox: Mastertracks

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Buffy & Angel

:: Staffel Eins
:: Staffel Zwei
:: Staffel Drei
:: Staffel Vier
:: Staffel Fünf
:: Staffel Sechs
:: Staffel Sieben

:: Staffel Eins
:: Staffel Zwei
:: Staffel Drei
:: Staffel Vier
:: Staffel Fünf

:: 6x01 Bargaining
:: 6x03 After Life
:: 6x04 Flooded
:: 6x05 Life Serial
:: 6x06 All The Way
:: 6x07 Once More, With Feeling
:: 6x08 Tabula Rasa
:: 6x09 Smashed
:: 6x10 Wrecked
:: 6x11 Gone
:: 6x12 Doublemeat Palace
:: 6x13 Dead Things
:: 6x14 Older and Far Away
:: 6x15 As You Were
:: 6x16 Hell's Bells
:: 6x17 Normal Again
:: 6x18 Entropy
:: 6x19 Seeing Red
:: 6x20 Villains
:: 6x21 Two To Go
:: 6x22 Grave

Buffy Episodenguide

6x19 "Seeing Red"

[Warrens Rache]

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  • Warren: No wonder she's screwin' a dead guy. You hit like a girl.
    Xander: Well, at least I know how to get one.

  • Xander: Buffy? I found Warren. Actually, my face kinda found-

  • Spike: It's the chip! Steel and wires and silicon. It won't let me be a monster

  • Andrew: I can't wait to get my hands on his orbs.
    Jonathan: Yeah, I'm sure he'll be giving them up any second now.

  • Warren: You know who I am, Slayer?
    Buffy: You're a murderer.
    Warren: Well, that, too, but more to the point, I'm the guy that beat you. And it's not the muscles, baby. It's the brains.

  • Jonathan: Jet packs! You jerks were setting me up to take the fall.
    Andrew: He left me. He flew away and left me!
    (Sie sehen sich in der Polizeiwache um, sehen die Leute, die darauf warten, in die Gefängniszellen gebracht zu werden)
    Andrew: Oh, god
    Jonathan: The big house.
    Andrew: How could he do this to me? He promised we'd be together but he was just using me. He never really loved