Buffy Episodenguide |
6x17 "Normal Again"
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Buffy: I was checking houses on that list you gave me, looking for Warren and his pals, and then- bam- some kind of gross, waxy demon-thing poked me.
Xander: And when you say poked...
Buffy: In the arm! It stung me or something.
Xander: Oh, come on... that's ridiculous! What? You think this isn't real just because of all the vampires and demons and ex-vengeance demons and the sister that used to be a big ball of universedestroying energy?
Arzt: Buffy's delusions are multi-layered. She believes she's some type of hero.
Joyce: The Slayer?
Arzt: The Slayer, right. But that's only one level. She's also created an intricate latticework to support her primary delusion. In her mind, she's the central figure in a fantastic world beyond imagination. She's surrounded herself with friends - most with their own superpowers - who are as real to her as you or me. More so, unfortunately. Together they face grand, overblown conflicts against an assortment of monsters, both imaginary and rooted in actual myth. Every time we think we're getting though to her, more fanciful enemies magically appear and she's...
Spike: So she's having the wiggens, is she? Thinks none of us are real. Bloody self-centered if you ask me.
Xander: Spike, we need muscle, not color commentary.
Spike: On the other hand, it might explain some things. This all being in that twisted brain of hers. Yeah! Thinks up some chip in my head. Make me soft, fall in love with her, then turn me into her sodding sex slave.
Spike: I hope you don't think this antidote's gonna rid you of that nasty martyrdom. See I figured it out, love. You can't help yourself. You're not drawn to the dark like I thought. You're addicted to the misery. It's why you won't tell your pals about us. Might actually have to be happy if you did. They'd either understand and help you- god forbid- or drive you out where you can finally be at peace. In the dark. With me. Either way you'd be better off for it but you're too twisted for that. Let yourself live already and stop with the bloody hero trip for a second. We'd all be the better for it. (kurze Pause) You either tell your friends about us... or I will.
Xander: Hello? I'm back. Clean and with the better smell now. Friends! Romans! Anyone?
Joyce: Buffy! Buffy, fight it. You're too good to give in. You can beat this thing. Be strong, baby, okay? I know you're afraid. I know the world feels like a hard place sometimes but you've got people who love you. Your dad and I, we have all the faith in the world in you. We'll always be with you. You've got a world of strength in your heart. I know you do. You just have to find it again. Believe in yourself.