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Space View - Das Magazin zu Science Fiction * Action * Fantasy - alle 2 Monate neu am Kiosk

Buffy & Angel

:: Staffel Eins
:: Staffel Zwei
:: Staffel Drei
:: Staffel Vier
:: Staffel Fünf
:: Staffel Sechs
:: Staffel Sieben

:: Staffel Eins
:: Staffel Zwei
:: Staffel Drei
:: Staffel Vier
:: Staffel Fünf

:: 6x01 Bargaining
:: 6x03 After Life
:: 6x04 Flooded
:: 6x05 Life Serial
:: 6x06 All The Way
:: 6x07 Once More, With Feeling
:: 6x08 Tabula Rasa
:: 6x09 Smashed
:: 6x10 Wrecked
:: 6x11 Gone
:: 6x12 Doublemeat Palace
:: 6x13 Dead Things
:: 6x14 Older and Far Away
:: 6x15 As You Were
:: 6x16 Hell's Bells
:: 6x17 Normal Again
:: 6x18 Entropy
:: 6x19 Seeing Red
:: 6x20 Villains
:: 6x21 Two To Go
:: 6x22 Grave

Buffy Episodenguide

6x16 "Hell's Bells"

[Höllische Hochzeit]

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  • Xander: Now, let's go over the list one more time. Number one?
    Buffy: Don't let your dad near the bar.
    Xander: Check. Number two?
    Buffy: Don't let your mom near the bar.
    Xander: Check.

  • Xander: What do you mean, you're me?
    Burns: I'm you. I'm you from the future.
    Xander: Oh, from the future! For a minute I thought you were a nutball but now that you're from the future...

  • Anthony: Toast! A toast! To the Harris clan ... and to my wife, Jessica. Where are you, honey?
    er sieht sich kurz um, bis er sie entdeckt.
    Anthony: There she is. (hebt sein Glass) To my wife. What would I do without you, beautiful? Well, for starters, I probably wouldn't need to drink so much, would I? On the brighter side, marriage has probably saved me from a nasty dose of the clap. Here's to ya.

  • Buffy: You must be so happy for Xander on his very special once-in-alifetime day, huh, Mr. Harris?
    Anthony linst auf ihr Brüste.
    Anthony: Nice chassis. What's under the hood?
    Buffy: You know, I could use a strong cup of coffee. Hey, let's get you one too. What do you say?
    Anthony: Did you used to own a little square pinkish purse?
    Buffy (seufzt): I did.
    Anthony: I thought so. Hey, what do you say we slip in the back room and I show you my...
    Buffy: You finish that sentence and I guarantee you won't have anything to show.

  • Spike: Hello, Buffy.
    Buffy: Hey.
    Spike: It's a happy occasion. You meet my friend?
    Buffy: No. Not yet. But she seems like a very nice attempt at making me jealous.
    Spike: Is it working?

  • Spike: It's nice to watch you be happy. For them, even. I don't see it a lot. You... you glow.
    Buffy (lächelt): That's because the dress is radioactive.

  • Anya: 'I, Anya, promise to cherish you...' Eww, no. Not cherish. 'I promise ... to have sex with you whenever I want and... pledge to be your friend and your wife and your confidant and your sex poodle...'
    Tara: Sex poodle?
    Anya: Yeah, why?
    Tara: I'm not sure you should say 'sex poodle' in your vows.

  • Buffy: Sorry about that. There's just going to be a little bit of a delay.
    Anya: Why? What's wrong?
    Buffy: Nothing! Nothing's wrong. It's just... the minister. He had to go and perform an emergency C-section.
    Anya: A C-section?
    Buffy: Yeah! You know, he's... not just a minister, he's also a doctor. You know, he's half-minister, half-doctor. He's a mini-tor. Not, of course, to be confused with a minotaur! Because he's all, you know... man, this doctor/minister man. No bull parts whatsoever.

  • Karen: I'm bored.
    Carol: It's a wedding, honey. We're all bored.

  • Anya: I mean, I am sorry, but what the hell is that minister thinking?
    Tara: I don
    Anya: I mean, delivering a baby! On my special day! I mean, it

  • Willow, Tara, Anya, Xander und Buffy starren auf den toten Dämon.
    Willow: Is anyone else waiting for it to go poof? (kurze Pause) Maybe we can cover it with flowers.

  • Dawn: I thought they were happy.
    Buffy: They were. I know they were. They were supposed to be my light at the end of the tunnel. I guess they were a train.

  • D'Hoffryn: Oh, Anyanka. I'm sorry. (kurze Pause) But you let him domesticate you. When you were a vengeance demon, you were powerful, at the top of your game. You crushed men like him. It's time you got back to what you do best... don't you think?