Buffy Episodenguide |
3x16 "Doppelgängland"
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Vampir: Willow Rosenberg!
Vampir-Willow: I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.
Vampir: Then we won't talk.
Willow: (betritt die Bibliothek) What's going on?
Buffy, Xander und Giles, die auf der Treppe sitzen, blicken erschrocken auf, da sie Willow kurz zuvor als Vampir gesehen haben
Willow: Jeez, who died?
Immer noch erschrockener Blick von der Treppe
Willow: Oh, god! Who died?
Xander springt auf und hält ein Kreuz vor Willows Nase
Xander: Back! Get back, demon!
Willow starrt abwechseln irritiert auf Xander und das Kreuz. Xander schaut ebenfalls auf das Kreuz, schüttelt es, und hält es erneut vor Willow
Buffy: Willow... you're alive?
Willow: Aren't I usually?
Buffy fällt ihr um den Hals, kurz darauf gefolgt von Xander
Willow: I love you guys, too? (Pause) Okay. Oxygen becoming an issue.
Die anderen lassen Willow los, die irritert von einem zum andern blickt
Willow: Giles, what's going on with these
Giles nimmt sie stürmisch in die Arme, drückt sie fest, ehe er sie losläßt
Giles: Sorry.
Willow: It's really nice that you guys missed me. Say, you all didn't happen to do a bunch of drugs, did you?
Xander: Will, we saw you at the Bronze. A vampire.
Willow: I'm not a vampire.
Buffy: You are. I mean, you were. (sehr verwirrt) Giles, planning on jumping in with an explanation any time soon?
Giles: Well... something
Xander: Can you believe the Watcher's Council let this guy go?
Anya: What a day. (zum Barkeeper) Give me a beer.
Barkeeper: I.D.
Anya starrt ihn durchdringend an
Barkeeper: I.D.
Anya: (aggressiv) I'm eleven hundred and twenty years old! Just give me a friggin' beer!
Barkeeper: I.D.
Anya: (geschlagen) Give me a Coke.
Devon: Man, we need a roadie. Other bands have roadies.
Oz: Well, other bands know more than three chords. Your professional bands can play up to six, sometimes seven, completely different chords.
Devon: That's just like fruity jazz bands.
Vampir: (im Bronze) All right. Nobody cause any trouble or try to leave... and nobody gets hurt.
Angel: Why don't I believe him?
Oz: Well, he lacks credibility.
Vampir-Willow: What's your name?
Mädchen: Sandy.
Vampir-Willow: You don't have to be afraid... just to please me.
Vampir-Willow: (an alle) If you're all good boys and girls, we'll make you young and strong forever and ever. We'll have fun.
Vampir-Willow streicht mit den Händen über Sandys Körper, greift dann ihren Kopf, legt ihn zur Seite und leckt an ihrem Hals
Vampir-Willow: If you're not...
Sie beißt lächelnd zu
Vampir-Willow: (schaut in die Menge) Questions? Comments?
Vampir-Willow: (überrascht ihr Ebenbild) Well, look at me. I'm all fuzzy.
Willow: What do I want with you? (Pause, verwirrt) Uh...
Vampir-Willow: (zu Willow) You don't want to play, I guess I can't force you.
Vampir-Willow: Oh, wait.
Vampir-Willow: I can.
Giles: It's extraordinary.
Willow: It's horrible! That's me as a vampire? I'm so evil and... skanky. (leiser, zu Buffy) And I think I'm kinda gay.
Buffy: Willow, just remember, a vampire's personality has nothing to do with the person it was.
Angel: Well, actually...
Böser Blick von Buffy
Angel: ...that's a good point.
Buffy: First sign of trouble, you give us a signal. We come in hard and fast.
Xander: What is the signal?
Willow: Me screaming.
Willow: I'm a blood-sucking fiend! Look at my outfit!
Xander: So in your reality, I'm like this bad-ass vampire, huh? People afraid of me?
Vampir-Willow rollt mit den Augen und dreht sich weg
Xander: (erfreut zu sich selbst) Oh, yeah... I'm bad.