Mythos Timeline

(Demon Age - 1997)
Compiled by Dannyboy.

-> Demon Age - BC
-> 0 - 899
-> 10th century - 12 century
-> 13th century - 16th century
-> 17th century
-> 18th century
-> 19th century
-> 1900s
-> 1910s and 20s
-> 1930s
-> 1940s
-> 1950s
-> 1960s
-> 1970s
-> 1980s
-> 1990-1997

Disclaimer: All references are taken from the show, none from comic books, novels or the movie. As with all things, this is a work in progress. Some dates are conjecture but I've put them where I feel is best. The Slayer origin date is based on a document presented at the Tampa Buffy Vulkon in 2003. I have not included the cup of perpetual torment, as I am very much uncertain whether there was a real cup at all (however the Columns Opera House is in here) Wesley and Giles's birth date are based on the actor's ages. Feel free to disagree with any of this, questions and comments are welcome.