1952 The P.I. tracks her down to the Hyperion Hotel, but is beaten by Angel when shes hiding in his room. A few hours later, another guest commits suicide by blowing his head off. The Hotel Manager asks the bellboy to take care of the body, the third in three months. The body is cut up and put in the meat locker. Judy asks for Angels help after retelling her story to him, and he accepts, and hides the money in the basement. There he realizes that theres an entity living in the hotel, driving people crazy. Angel goes to Denver, a local occult bookstore owner, and needs the books in the back. Angel researches on the Thesulac demon and decides to raise it, taking the necessary weapons and raising spell. An argument escalates in the Hyperion, guests accusing themselves of murdering the man in room #215. When the P.I. returns, looking for Judy, they all assume she did it. By the time Angel arrives with the supplies, the mob has turned on Judy, and she accuses him of murdering the man. They knock him out and hang him in the lobby. When they realize what theyve done they disperse, and Angel frees himself. The Thesulac shows itself to him, and Angel lets it take them all, no longer caring what happens to other people. East Los Angeles. Tezcatcatl rises once again and takes the heart of heroes, while looking for his talisman. He kills over a dozen people before being killed by Los Hermanos Numeros. Unfortunately, only Numero Cinco survived, who will keep the talisman. Numero Cinco tries to help the helpless alone, but they stopped coming to him. He is eventually offered employment at Wolfram & Hart by Holland Manners and accepts. He was in need of a job. 1954
Los Angeles, California. Angel rents a room at the Hyperion Hotel (#217).
Judy, a bank teller, is fired from her job when they discover that shes of mixed heritage. Her husband breaks off their engagement. In frustration, she steals a large amount of money and flees to the Hyperion Hotel. The Bank hires a P.I. to investigate.
East Los Angeles. Los Hermanos Numeros, ring fighters and champions that brought down monsters, gangsters and vampires, battle and defeat the Devils Robot
Rupert Giles is born.
Sunnydale, California. James Stanley, a student at Sunnydale High, has a love affair with one of his teachers, Grace Newman. Newman eventually attempts to end the relationship a bit before Sadie Hawkins, and in a moment of anger, James shoots her. He then shoots himself.
Ted Buchannan marries, unfortunately he has a terminal disease and his wife leaves him. He builds a robot of himself, the most advanced at the time, to be the perfect husband. When Ted dies, the robot dead brings back the ex-wife and keeps hostage in his hideout until she dies. Ted sets out to find a new wife.
Los Angeles, California. Margo Dressner, living in the Pearson Arms complex, commits suicide after the spirit of Maude Pearson broke her down.
Italy. Spike and Dru hang out with the 'it' crowd.