1990 The same portal that sends Fred to Pylea brings Krevlorneswath of the Deathwok clan to Los Angeles, an outcast in his own world. He will eventually open a demon Karaoke bar. Los Angeles, California. Buffy Summers, a popular girl, is crowned Prom Queen at Hemery Highs prom dance. Sunnydale, California. Marcie Ross, a Sunnydale High School student, is repeatedly ignored in and out of class by both classmates and teachers. Feeling invisible, the energy from the Hellmouth transforms her perception into actual manifestation. She spends the next several months living in the School, hidden.
Los Angeles, California. Melman Realty & Development, the realty company that holds the abandoned but historical Hyperion Hotel, begins to make efforts to unload it to any buyer. The efforts will last a decade.
Buffy Summers has a crush on Billy Fordham.
Vanessa Brewer is arrested after fleeing the scene of a homicide. No charges are brought.
Halloween. Buffy Summers goes trick-or-treating with her dad, shes embarrassed, but he loves going out with her.
Allen Francis Doyle falls madly in love with Harriett and marries her.
Los Angeles, California. Natalie Davis, living in the Pearson Arms complex, commits suicide after the spirit of Maude Pearson breaks her down.
Jerry and Ms. Frakes are engaged to be married. They will be 'engaged' for the next
eight years.
17 year-old Charles Gunn, already a vampire hunter, makes a deal with Jenoff, the owner of a Demon Casino in L.A. He sells his soul for a truck.
Vanessa Brewer is arrested again and charged with aggravated assault. The case never goes to trial.
Gwendolyn Post is kicked out of the Watchers Council for misuse of dark powers. A memo is sent about it.
Winifred Burkle, despite her parent's worries, leaves Texas to attend the Graduate
Physics program at UCLA. Although originally wanting to be a history major,
her physics professor, Oliver Seidel, sees her full potential, and Fred concentrates
on that instead.
Gwen Raiden begins bagging for Mr. Ashet.
Sunnydale, California. Calax Research and Development, a computer research lab and the
third largest employer in Sunnydale, closes down.
Los Angeles, Early May. Winifred Burkle, a physics student, disappears from a Los Angeles Public Library after having read out loud a passage from SCRQWRN. A portal opened and sucked her into the demon world of Pylea. It was actually a plot by her Physics professor, Oliver Seidel, who felt threatened by her genius. 4 other women would find a similar fate.
Czech Republic. Drusilla is nearly killed by an angry mob in Prague, although most believe she is killed in the incident.
Manhattan, New York. Angel, a grimy, homeless wreck (whos been living that way for 20 years), is approached by Whistler, a demon working for the PTBs. Angel is at a crossroads: he could become even more useless, or he could be somebody. Angel wants to be left alone, but Whistler invites him to see something before deciding what he wants to do.
Los Angeles, California. Hemery High School. Angel observes from a banged up car fifteen-year-old Buffy Summerss first encounter with Merrick, her Watcher, who informs her of her destiny. She doesnt believe him. Later in the evening, Merrick takes her to a cemetery and has her fight her first vampire. She struggles but manages to kill it. She has the power. That night, Angel watches as Buffy goes home, lies to her mother about why shes late, and witnesses how she carries her heart on her sleeve as her parents argue loudly enough to be heard throughout the house.
Finally Whistler seeks Angel, and informs him that shell have it tough as a slayer. Angel wants to help her and he wants to learn from him, to be somebody.
Doyle finds out about his true demon side on his 21st Birthday. It initially freaks Harry out, but she adjusts and learns to embrace his demon side and the world that comes with it. He cant and becomes impossible to live with. She eventually leaves him and he sinks deeper into an abyss.
The Scourge, an army of pureblood demons that hate the mixed heritage type, track a clan of Brachen demon from the woods in Oregon to L.A. one of the clansmen approaches Doyle, they need his help, help them hide until they can get out of town. Doyle doesnt want to explore his roots, but they have no one else to turn to. Doyle refuses and he is left alone. Some time later he gets his first vision from the Powers That Be: the clan has been massacred. Hes unsure whether it was true, but decides to find out. He finds the clan, dead, just as his vision told him.
Los Angeles, California. Buffy fights some vampires in her high schools gymnasium but accidentally burns it down. She is kicked out of Hemery High.
Los Angeles, California. Joyce and Hank Summers finally divorce, after having been separated for some time.
Joyce Summers and her daughter Buffy move to Sunnydale, California.. Joyce invests in an art gallery there while Buffy is accepted at Sunnydale High.