The Nazis begin toying with the idea of using vampires as part of their army, using special methods to control them.
The German SS captures Nostroyev, Scourge of Siberia, and The Prince of Lies, two renowned vampires.
Madrid, Spain. Spike is lured to a Free Virgin Blood party and is captured by the SS.
Spike, Nostroyev and the Prince of Lies, are transported aboard a new Nazi U-boat. However the sub is captured the U.S. Navy. In the ensuing confusion they release Spike, who in turn releases Nostroyev and the Prince of Lies and they begins slaughtering the Americans and the Germans. A message is sent out to the U.S. Naval Command. Ensign Lawson, a Nazi prisoner and a handful of sailors manage to seal themselves off in the forward compartment.
New York City. Angel, whose location is known to the U.S. government, is coerced by DRI and War Department agents to go to the downed sub. He is briefed on the mission specifics and the intel that they have, including the Nazis plans. Mission priority is to bring the Sub back to the U.S. which could provide the key to winning the war on the Atlantic.
The North Atlantic. With 2 days of oxygen left on the sub, Angel is dropped to the U-boats last know coordinates, shackled at his feet. He locates the sub and climbs in the torpedo tube. He is greeted by Lawson and his men, all pointing guns at him. Angel gives the code verifying he was sent by the government, and has Lawson lock up the men in the torpedo room while he takes care of their problem astern. Angel poses as his former self when he sees Spike, and convinces them to keep the rest of the crew alive so that they can steer the ship to shore. His point is made after he kills Nostroyev. Later, though Lawson cant see the big picture, he wonders why they need the two other vampires; Angel believes they could still be useful. Some time later the Prince of Lies discovers the Nazis plans to use them as part of an army of controlled vampires, he attacks the Nazi survivor, and Angel kills the Prince, in front of Lawson. He explains that the Prince was a vampire. Lawson and Angel uncover the plans of stimulation and control to create an invincible army of vampires. Spike things Angel is playing the Nazis and Americans against each other, Angel has Spike burn the documents, the Americans are only getting the sub. Then they are bombarded by depth charges from four German ships on the surface. The concussions from the charges damage the engines and Angel sends Lawson to fix them, but the Nazi has slipped away and stabs Lawson in the engine room. Angel arrives too late to save Lawson, the only one who can repair the engines, and turns him into a vampire. Lawson repairs the engines in time and the sub surfaces, just in time to save the crew from asphyxiation. Only 20 miles from land and with 8 hours until sunrise, Angel kicks both Spike and Lawson out of the boat, promising to kill Lawson the next time he sees him. Off the coast of Maine, Angel jumps ships and lays low until the end of the war. The capture of the German sub will help the Allied war effort.
Angel visits Las Vegas and hangs out with Bugsy Siegel, driving around with him while the latter dreamed of building his gambling Mecca.
Los Angeles, California. Maude Pearson, 57, fearful of her son Dennis leaving her for his fiancée, ties him up and entombs him in a wall of her apartment (of the apartment complex she built). She dies of a heart attack on the same day in the living room. Her spirit will haunt the apartment complex, but the spirit of Dennis will be trapped inside the wall.
Sunnydale, California. Genevieve Holt opens the Lowell Home for Children. It houses upwards of 40 adolescents per year: runaways, juvenile delinquents and the emotionally disturbed. However her methods are cruel, cutting off girls hair, performing baptisms in the bathtub, holding them down. It will eventually manifest itself as a form of pent up sexual energy.
Nebraska. Two Children are found dead near Omaha with mysterious marking on them. It will spark an outrage similar to the Salem witch trials.