Cordelia Chase is born.
The creators of Happy Days make a deal to bring back the show from ratings hell.
October 16. Tara Maclay is born.
Buffy Anne Summers is born to Joyce and Hank Summers.
Alexander Lavelle Harris is born to Jessica and Anthony Harris.
Willow Rosenberg is born to Sheila and Ira Rosenberg.
Jonathan Levinson is born
Faith is born.
Sunnydale, California. Sunday and her band of vampires move into the abandoned Psi Theta Fraternity house, and prey on UC Sunnydale students.
Sunnydale High wins a state championship, it is the last time they will do so.
Gwen Raiden, unable to control her powers of electric touch, is isolated from the world by her wealthy parents. She is kept inside of a snowsuit whenever possible, to prevent any mishaps.
Gills Rock, Wisconsin. October 28. Young Gwen Raiden is admitted to Thorpes Academy, after her parents have made a sizable contribution. She is there to learn how to harness her powers and function in society with them. On the same day, Gwen accidentally kills a boy when she allows a direct contact between her and the boy.
Xander Harris has his sixth birthday party, guests include Willow Rosenberg. A clown mercilessly chases him during the party, which traumatizes him for years to come.
Dawn Summers is born to Joyce and Hank Summers. She is their second daughter. Later revealed that Dawn was created in 2000 and all memories of her previous existence were fabrications.
Mr. Chase (Cordelias father) begins cheating on his taxes.
Xander Harris and Willow Rosenberg start kindergarten together. She breaks the yellow crayon and cries because shes too afraid to tell anyone.
21 year-old Vanessa Brewer purposely takes out her own eyesight. She will spend five years in Pajaur, studying the Nanjin (enlightenment is seeing with the heart, not the mind.) before returning to the United States.
8 year-old Buffy Summers visits her cousin Celia at the hospital. Buffy
is alone with her when she witnesses Celias horrible death, screaming as if smother. Celia was actually smothered by the Kindestod, a demon visible only to the feverish.
Los Angeles, California. Walter Kindel kills a family, save for one girl, 10 year-old Dana. He takes her to a hideout and tortures her for months. She was found one day naked and bleeding, wandering the streets, barely functional, nearly catatonic.
Buffy Summers and Billy Fordham start attending school together.
Harmony Kendall begins picking on Willow Rosenberg at school. This will last all the way to high school.