Update Archives
September 2005
More Quotes
Added Quotes for both Homecoming and Revelations. :)
Sticky: What Will Be Back
Following an inquiry about the merchandise section - we realized we haven't informed you guys of what we plan for Faith's Solace (our bad).
Everything - with the possible exception of the Message Board - will be back online. This includes the merchandise for both Faith and Eliza (seeing as Eliza-D will be now re-united with Solace). Merchandise is now back online!
So - don't fret if you can't find your favorite section yet, it will be back up at some point! :)
Beauty And The Beasts Quotes
Just added Beauty And The Beasts to the Quotes!
New: Quotes
I have just added a brand-new section to the site: Faith Quotes. This will be a big database of all quotable Faith lines. Great fun for browsing through, and very useful for fanfic writers who need to look up exactly what Faith said in a particular episode. At the moment, we only have Faith, Hope, & Trick added, but we will add all other episodes to the database shortly! :)
You can find the link to the Quotes under Faith in the navigation bar.
Scans & More
The Magazine Scans section is back online! No new scans, but all scans from eliza-d.com and the old Solace have been gathered up and put in one place. :) As soon as we get our hands on new magazines with Eliza in them, new scans will be added!
I have also fixed all the broken images in the Episode Guide, and added a new page for Switch Header. This feature is not working perfectly yet, but please take a look at the page for a further explanation.
And lastly, I fixed some bugs in our CSS files to ensure the site now looks OK in IE6 as well. Apologies to everyone who had problems with viewing the site properly because of this!
New Fics added
I added four new fics by the very talented Kim. Go check ‘em out!!
August 2005
Welcome Back!
Welcome to the all-new Solace!! Our sincerest apologies for making you wait so long for a new version of this website - unfortunately, real life kept getting in the way during the revamp.
But, the majority of it is finished now, and the bits that are still unfinished will be back online very soon. We have added some new stuff to the site as well: a brand new Guestbook (since the old one was full of Spam), the Episode Guide has been renewed to ensure easier reading (beware of some broken images though, we’re still fixing that), several new pieces of Fanfiction have been added, and over 20 new Wallpapers have been added.
Enjoy all the new stuff, and please let us know if you spot anything strange anywhere!
January 2005
Not Dead
Just to let you all know, we’re still alive!
Our apologies for the severe lack in updates to the site recently. We have loads of new stuff to add, but due to some problems with the backend for the site we’re using, it’s taking longer than expected to port the site over to its new format.
Rest assured though, we will be back with many new updates soon!
September 2004
New Wallpapers
Added 7 new wallpapers that I made over the past two weeks. :) If you have made any wallpapers featuring Faith, please feel free to submit them, we’d love to add them to the site!
Zeppo & Amends Quotes
Added Quotes for Amends and The Zeppo.