Update Archives 
June 2004
New Forums
Just added brand-spanking-new Forums to Solace! If you want to meet fellow Faith fans, discuss anything related to Faith, or just hang out, please stop by and say hello! :)
AIM Icons
Added around 35 new AIM Icons for The Zeppo and Consequences.
EDP Selling Again
Hi guys! The EDP is back up and running at eBay. Remember, you’re helping Camp Hale if you buy :) Check it out and help out a worthy organization.
May 2004
Release Icons
Added 48 new Livejournal Icons for the Angel episode Release.
Going out in Style
Sad about Angel? A party should help, right? The BuffyBB will be having a Angel Series Finale Party. So, login to the BuffyBB right after the last episode airs to discuss the episode as well as anything else! There will also be a pre-party that begins an hour before the episode airs. The series final will air on the WB at 9/8c on Wednesday, May 19th in the US. Hope to see you there!
New Fic
I’ve added some new fanfiction. Our two featured authors are: NWHeptcat and Natasha Marie. All stories highly recommended :)
April 2004
New eCard System
We were having a lot of problems with the old eCard system that we couldn’t fix, so we switched to a new script. If you were having trouble sending a card in the past, please try again, everything should work fine now. If you’re still having problems with the new script, please let us know! :)
It has recently been brough to our attention that there was someone at FanFiction.net who was using Faith’s Solace as their name and published several stories in our fanfic archive there without giving the authors credit. This made it look like they wrote the stories, which is stealing.
We would just like to clarify that was NOT us. Neither Ali nor I have accounts at FanFiction.net. We do not know who this person is, and are not affiliated with them in any way whatsoever. We also do not appreciate it that he or she was making people believe they’re us. Their account at FF.net has now been deleted after it was reported, but we just wanted to clarify this for all our visitors.
March 2004
Mood Themes
Just added a new section for Mood Themes. These can be used at LiveJournal, and with the PHPCurrently script. At the moment, there’s only one mood theme up for download, of Faith in Five By Five, but hopefully I’ll get around to making some more soon. Enjoy!
Orpheus Caps
Just added 267 DVD caps for the Angel episode Orpheus. I got my Buffy s7 DVDs last week, so I’ll be capping those last 5 episodes soon. :)