So - like a dork - we had a few fics saved as drafts rather than published. Doh! Up now are three wicked fics (happily rescued from Squared [RIP]) Lar's, Point Of View Scynneh's Bloodflowers & Snakeskin Rose's Swallow The Bad Thing
Also - we're proud to announce - Mara_Sho's Don't Let The Sun Go Down . It's a wonderful post NFA Faith ficlet. Enjoy!
Fic Ahoy!
So - like a dork - we had a few fics saved as drafts rather than published. Doh! Up now are three wicked fics (happily rescued from Squared [RIP]) Lar's, Point Of View Scynneh's Bloodflowers & Snakeskin Rose's Swallow The Bad Thing
Also - we're proud to announce - Mara_Sho's Don't Let The Sun Go Down . It's a wonderful post NFA Faith ficlet. Enjoy!