Switch Header
Chances are if you're here, you love Faith and Eliza. Chances are, you have more than one favorite episode, you find it hard to choose between which you like better, which Eliza movie you prefer, and so on. Well, it's the same for us, the creators of this site. We had such a hard time trying to decide which images to use for the header, that in the end, we decided to make lots of headers, so everyone can view the site with a header of their choice. We simply couldn't agree on which images to use otherwise! :)
Click one of the thumbnails below to view the site with that header. If you don't like it, you can always come back here and choose another. If you run into any problems with this, please let us know!
Note: the switched headers are not working in the Fanfiction section. You will always see the Chosen header there, no matter which one you choose below. We're still working on finding a solution for this, but the switched headers work perfectly on all other pages of the site.