Faith Lehane Quotes
We have created a large database of Faith Lehane Quotes from all episodes she has been in, with many thanks to the transcripts available at BuffyWorld. Choose an episode to read all quotes for it! :)
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From Angel Season 1 > 1.19 Sanctuary | Added on July 11, 2006
Angel: I understand what you're going through and I want to help... but there are a few things you have to do. First, I need you to give me that knife.
*Angel holds out his hand. Faith looks down at her hand. She is holding a big butcher knife. She slowly lifts it, hesitates for a moment, then hands it to Angel hilt first. *
Angel: You should be resting.
Faith: I've been asleep for eight months. You rest.
From Angel Season 2 > 2.01 Judgement | Added on July 11, 2006
*Faith: * The road to redemption is a rocky path.
*Angel: * That it is.
*Faith: * You think we might make it?
*Angel: * We might.
From Angel Season 1 > 1.19 Sanctuary | Added on July 11, 2006
Angel: You're in no condition to leave here. You walk out that door now and you'll be running for the rest of your life, and my bet is it'll be a pretty short run.
Faith: You know what? It doesn't matter.
Angel: It does matter. It matters to me.
From Angel Season 1 > 1.19 Sanctuary | Added on July 11, 2006
Faith: God, it hurts. I hate that it hurts like this.
Angel: Oh well, it's supposed to hurt. All that pain, all that suffering you caused is coming back on you. Feel it! Deal with it! Then maybe you've got a shot at being free.
Faith: I've got to be the first Slayer in history sponsored by a vampire.
From Angel Season 2 > 2.01 Judgement | Added on July 11, 2006
Angel Food getting any better?"
Faith (settles in for a long conversation) You know, it's not that different from what I grew up on. It's a little one note. Eating the same thing every day.
Angel I wonder what that's like.