Update Archives
December 2005
Return of Screencaps!!
As the title suggests ;) - all caps are back. Again - sincere apologies for any inconvenience.
For those who may not have noticed, our screencaps are no-shows at the moment. This is due to the expiration of the domain that holds them. We're in the process of renewing it however - and they will be back in a couple of days. Sincere apologies for any inconvenience.
Fire and Skin
Fic I'm madly in love with. Godeater's Fire and Skin.
What if Angel had arrived a little later during Consequences? AU and awesome :)
New Wallpapers
Two new wallpapers! Well, technically speaking, it's two versions of the same wallpaper - but still. I uploaded the Windows version (1024x768 / 1280x1024) and the Mac version (1024x768 / 1280x1024) of "Sold Her Soul". See it in the galleries here.
November 2005
Captchas On The Guestbook
Due to SPAM we've been receiving on our Guestbook, I've enabled captchas. These are random words you'll have to fill in a text field before your comment can be posted, and makes sure that automated SPAM bots won't be able to abuse our Guestbook anymore. :)
Another new fic from Kim! Not all is pleasant in the future. Powerful stuff!
Fanfic Submit Page
We've just put a brand new Fanfiction Submit page online. If you are interested in having your fiction published on Solace, please read it for details on how to submit your fics to us! :)
Soul Survivors Error Fixed
Just fixed an error with the Soul Survivors screencap gallery that was causing most of the images to not show. If you were having problems seeing the images before, try again now, they're all showing up fine again. :)
Home Construction 12: Abuela’s Recipe
Abuela's Recipe is a ficlet that I love! It's lifted from beccafran's Home Construction series (her first BtVS fic too!) Faith gets a cooking lesson. <3