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Beobachtungen und Randbemerkungen |
Buffy bereitet sich mit Giles auf die Eignungsprüfung für das College vor. Sogar des Nachts auf dem Friedhof. Ihre Mutter erlaubt ihr normalerweise noch nicht Auto zu fahren. Vor einem Jahr hat Buffy die theoretische Fahrprüfung nicht bestanden. Sie belügt ihre Mutter ("ich muß zu Giles") und Giles ("meine Mutter verlangt nach mir") um zu Angel zu gehen. Aber auch als ihre Lüge entdeckt wird, verheimlicht sie Angels Existenz.
Der Bürgermeister verdankt seinen Posten "gewissen Arangements". In einem Schrank im Büro befinden sich einige für einen Mann seines Amtes seltsame Utensilien (Totenschädel, Schrumpfköpfe und ähnliches).
Oz hatte von allen Schülern ohne Abschluß das beste Ergebnis bei den College-Eignungstests. Willow scheint jedenfalls darauf sehr stolz zu sein und es bei jeder Gelegenheit zu erwähnen.
Angel macht Tai-Chi Übungen.
Ethan Rayne ist einer von Giles (Rippers) Jugendfreunden. Zuvor war er in den Episoden Halloween und Dark Age zu sehen.
Säuglinge sollen als Tribut für den Dämon Loconis dienen, der alle 30 Jahre gezahlt warden muß. Die Schokolade sollte nur zur Ablenkung und Verwirrung der Erwachsenen dienen.
Werkzeuge |
Buffy beseitigt einige Vampire mit einem ihrer Pflöcke.
Den Dämon Larconis setzt Buffy mit einer Gasflamme in Brand.
Quellen und Anspielungen |
"It's like being in the Real World house, only real."
'The real World'-Show ist eine Fernsehreie des US-Musiksenders MTV. Darin geht es grob gesagt, um die Zurschaustellung des richtigen Lebens von einer bunt zusammengewürfelten Schar junger Leute in einer WG. Zeitweise wurde die Serie auch auf MTV-Central in Europa ausgestrahlt.
"You weren't visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past, by any chance?"
Xanders Part ist eine Anspielung auf den 'Geist der vergangenen Weihnachten' aus Charles Dickens´ Weihnachtsgeschichte. Darin wird der geizige und mißgünstige Ebenezer Scrooge zum Wohltäter, nachdem er von Geistern der vergangenen, gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Weihnachten besucht wurde und die ihn mit in ihre Zeit genommen haben.
"I'm sure we love the idea of going all Willy Loman, but we're not in the band."
Willy Loman ist die Hauptperson des Bühnenklassikers 'Tod eines Handlungsreisenden' von Arthur Miller.
"Let's do the time warp again."
Aus dem Musical The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Anthony Stewart Head hat in einer Bühnenversion dieses Musicals Frank'n'Furter gespielt.
"Hey, gang! This place is Fun City, huh? Call me Snyder. Just a last name, like... Barbarino."
Barbarino ist eine Anspielung auf die US-Sitcom Welcome back Kotter. Die Rolle des Vince Barbarino wurde von John Travolta gespielt.
"Very Juice Newton."
Judy Kay 'Juice' Newton ist eine Country Sängerin aus den USA.
"Ratboy and I are going to the source."
Agent Alex Krycek (Nicholas Lea) aus der Serie Akte X wird Ratboy genannt. Dieser war an den Morden an Scullys Vater und ihrer Schwester beteiligt und lief zum Konsortium über.
"And Dad, he just locked himself in the bathroom with old copies of Esquire."
Esquire ist ein US-Männermagazin.
Fehler |
Unbeantwortete Fragen |
Was wurde aus Ethan Rayne?
Was wird aus Giles und Joyce? Ihre Trennung am Ende war etwas....... seltsam.
Gleiches Thema, andere Personen: Was ist mit Willow und Xander?
Musik |
Texte frei nach Gehör zusammengestellt von Lesley Remencus (Buffy Music Site). Nähere Informationen zu den Interpreten, Bezugsquellen für die Alben gibt es am angegebenen Ort oder hier.
Mad Cow - "Blasé" (draußen vor der Schule) tired of the same old places looking at those empty faces none of them with any ambition the same condition-- set em up, know em down dreamers make the world go round-- I just don't get it I'm just sick of it all I'm sick of it all break me from the dead end i'm in and try on someone's skin if my dreams don't come true what else can I do-- set em up, know em down dreamers make the world go round-- can't do this anymore I can't pretend can't go there anymore my life's at its end-- and it's the same shitty pay i've made it another day looking at the same four walls only hoping for something set em up, know em down dreamers make the world go round-- can't do this anymore I can't pretend can't go there anymore my life's at its end-- set em up, know em down dreamers make the world go round-- the world go round the world go round the world go round Cream - "Tales of Brave Ulysses" (Giles und Joyce hören Musik) You thought the leaden winter would bring you down forever, But you rode upon a steamer to the violence of the sun. And the colours of the sea bind your eyes with trembling mermaids, And you touch the distant beaches with tales of brave Ulysses, How his naked ears were tortured by the sirens sweetly singing, For the sparkling waves are calling you to kiss their white laced lips. And you see a girl's brown body dancing through the turquoise, And her footprints make you follow where the sky loves the sea. And when your fingers find her, she drowns you in her body, Carving deep blue ripples in the tissues of your mind. The tiny purple fishes run laughing through your fingers, And you want to take her with you to the hard land of the winter. Her name is Aphrodite and she rides a crimson shell, And you know you cannot leave her for you touched the distant sands With tales of brave Ulysses, how his naked ears were tortured By the sirens sweetly singing. The tiny purple fishes run lauging through your fingers, And you want to take her with you to the hard land of the winter. Four Star Mary - "Violent" (Oz Band, als sie von den Erwachsenen gestört wird) the strangest things i've always known it slays me everytime darkened fields have overgrown you want to lay me out? tie me down? tie me our love covered in my blood is so violent shake this scene another one it plays me everytime we're not that green we're overdone you want to lay me out? tie me down? tie me our love covered in my blood is so violent it's so violent violent it's so violent violent it's so violent violent Every Bit of Nothing - "Slip Jimmy" (draußen vor der Schule) Slip the jimmy right down between the door's frame bust the lock there's no time for makin' mistakes quick in the car the alarm is shortly defused trip the wire the engine's singin' your tune depress the pedal it's time to make an escape no other car's around no witnesses' it's fail safe you turn the corner and see it coming towards you and in the dimly light refelcts a roof of red and blue. Grip the wheel so tight no not a muscle moves breathing's short and tight what are you gonna' do now Heart beats out of time as panic seizes you static clouds your mind will they connect the clues crime after crime it's so easy you can't lose. Slip Jimmy's runnin' out of time it takes a second to lose what takes a life time to find. The car moves past you as if it's all a daydream your free to go no one has noticed there's no crime scene you feel the laughter bubbling up and can't believe it's true but'a rearview mirror shows two lights are creeping towards you they're getting closer so much closer at a fast pace slowly you speed up like a mouse caught in a rat race they're changing color so much brighter and there's somethin' more the piercing sound of a siren who's it comin' for. Ready or not you go no turning back for you hot pursuites the show top of the evening news now the world is tuning in to watch your great escape an outcome you can't win will surely seal your fate crime after crime who'll catch you when you lose. Slip Jimmy's runnin' out of time it takes a second to lose what takes a life time to find. A little bit closer so soon you'll cross over little bit closer so soon you'll cross over little bit closer so soon you'll cross over little bit closer so soon you'll cross over Your caravan of fans has grown on land and in the sky you feel their hunger closing in on you from every side with all your might you slam the gas to flee your hopeless plight but instead it sends you spinning, crashing, whirling through the night. Torn metal all around entraps you in it's tomb sirens lights and sounds fade out and in from view now flames consume this place burn up into the sky a calm crosses the face of one who's out of time crime after crime who'll catch you when you die. Slip Jimmy's runnin' out of time it takes a second to lose what takes a life time to find.
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (TM), its characters, and the Buffy logo are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the WB Television Network, and Twentieth Century Fox. This is an unofficial site and not affiliated in any way with the aforementioned people or companies. The information on this, and adjoining, pages is provided solely as a resource for the audience of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". No copyright infringement is intended. You can find the official Site at www.buffy.com.
Angelegt / Geändert: 02. Oktober 1999 / 06. Oktober 1999
Design & Text © 1999 by GL & Stefan Rauter
Anregungen, Fragen: Gerhard.Lenerz@theslayer.de
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