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5.18 Intervention - Pronto Intervento

Prima visione Italia
Prima visione USA

Titolo originale: 5.18 intervention

Titolo italiano: Pronto Intervento

Scritto da:
Jane Espenson
Diretto da:
Michael Gershman

 Transcript season 5

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers 
Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris 
Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg 
Emma Caulfield as Anya 
Michelle Trachtenberg as Dawn 
James Marsters as Spike 
Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles 

Guest Stars: 
Amber Benson as Tara 
Clare Kramer as Glory 
Adam Busch as Warren 
Troy T. Blendell as Jinx 

Sharon Ferguson as Primitive 
Todd Duffey as Murk 
Kelly Donovan 

Riassunto dell'episodio

Buffy, piena di dubbi sulla sua natura e sulla sua capacità di amare, si reca nel deserto con Giles. Spike si fa costruire da Warren un Buffy-Robot e la gang, vedendoli assieme, crede che Buffy sia coinvolta in una relazione amorosa con il vampiro. Anche Glory fraintende: vedendo che il Buffy-Robot protegge Spike, crede che lui sia la Chiave e lo fa catturare. 



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Buffy: Dawn, if there are any plates in your room, let's have them before they get furry and we have to name them!
Dawn: Hey! I was like 5 then.

Buffy: I mean, I can beat up the demons, until the cows come home. And then, I can beat up the cows. But I'm not sure I like what it's doing to me.

Buffy: Maybe being the perfect Slayer means being too hard to love at all. I already feel like I can hardly say the words.
Giles: Buffy—
Buffy: Giles, I love you. Love, love, love, love, love— Giles, it feels strange.

Buffy: I love you, Dawn. You know that right?
Dawn:Yeah. I love you, too.
Buffy: I love you. Really love you.
Dawn: Gettin' weird.
Buffy: Sorry. But it's important that I tell you. Weird love's better than no love.

Buffy: So, how's it start?
Giles: I, uh, jump out of the circle, and I jump back in it, and then um (reluctantly)... I shake my gourd.
Buffy: Oh, I know this ritual! The ancient Shamans were next called upon to do the hokey pokey and turn themselves around.
Giles: Go quest!

(Giles sighs, then reticently jumps out of the circle, jumps back in, and shakes his gourd.
Buffy: And that's what it's all about.

Spike: Was that your best, Slayer?
Buffybot: No.
Spike: Why not?
Buffybot: I wanna hurt you, but I can't resist the sinister attraction of your cold and muscular body!

Anya (about the Salem Witch Trials): I was there, it really wasn't that bad. See if you were really a witch, you'd do a spell to escape. So, really it was only bad for the falsely accused, and well, they never have a good time.

Buffybot: You're evil.
Spike: And that excites you?
Buffybot: It excites me, it terrifies me... I try so hard to resist you and I can't.
Spike: Yeah?
Buffybot: Darn your sinister attraction!
Spike: Are you afraid of me?
Buffybot (smiling enthusiastically): Yes.

Buffybot: Oh Spike, devour me!
Spike (rolling onto her): Alright.
Buffybot: Spike, I can't help myself! I love you!
Spike: You're mine, Buffy.
Buffybot: Should I start this program over?
Spike: Shh! No programs, don't use that word. Just be Buffy.

Buffybot (going out to patrol): Time to slay. Vampires of the world beware!

Buffybot: Anya! How is your money?
Anya (with a big smile): Fine, thank you for asking!

Buffybot (to Xander and Anya, on Spike's approach): Spike! It's Spike. And he's wearing a coat.

Buffybot (having sex with Spike in the graveyard): Oh Spike, you're the big bad! You're the big bad!

Tara: People do strange things when someone they love dies. When I lost my mother, I did some pretty dumb stuff, like lying to my family and staying out all night.
Anya: Buffy's boinking Spike.
(Tara looks perplexed.)
Willow: Oh... well Ta-Tara's right, grief can be powerful and we shouldn't judge—
Tara: Are you kidding? She's nuts!

Tara (about Buffy): You aren't really gonna slap her, are you?
Xander: No, but if I have to see her straddle Spike again I will definately knock myself unconscious.

Spike (to Xander, as Glory's minions enter his crypt): Friends of yours? (Jinx punches Xander.) Guess not.

Buffy: I-I-I have a few questions, about being the Slayer. What about... love? Not just boyfriend love.
Spirit Guide: You think you're losing your ability to love.
Buffy: I didn't say that... yeah.
Spirit Guide: You're afraid that being the Slayer means losing your humanity.
Buffy (pausing): Does it?
Spirit Guide: You are full of love, you love with all your soul. It's brighter than the fire... blinding... that's why you pull away from it.
Buffy: I'm full of love? I'm not losing it?
Spirit Guide: Only if you reject it. Love is pain, and the Slayer forges strength from pain. Love... give... forgive. Risk the pain, it is your nature. Love will bring you to your gift.
Buffy (confused by that last bit): What?

Buffybot (referring to sex with Spike): It wasn't one time. It was lots of times, and lots of different ways. I can make sketches!
Willow: No!

Buffybot: Angel's lame. His hair goes straight up, and he's bloody stupid!

Buffybot (in the midst of conversation with Willow): You're recently gay!

Buffy: I-I'm getting a gift? Or do you mean that I have a gift to give to someone else?
Spirit Guide: Death is your gift.
Buffy: Death...?
Spirit Guide: Is your gift.
Buffy:Okay, no. Death is not a gift. My mother just died, I know this. If I have to kill demons because it makes the world a better place, then I kill demons. But it is not a gift to anybody.
Spirit Guide:Your question has been answered.

Glory (about Spike): What the hell is that, and why is its hair that color?

Buffy: Blame? There's blame now?
Willow: No! There's only love... and... some... fear.
Anya: We're just kind of thrown by the you having sex with Spike.
Buffy: The who whating how with huh?
Anya: Okay, that's denial. That usually comes before anger.
Buffy (angrily): I am not having sex with Spike!
Anya: Anger.

Xander: No one is judging you. It's understandable. Spike is strong and mysterious and sort of compact, but well muscled.
Buffy: I am not having sex with Spike! But I'm starting to think that you might be!

Buffybot (seeing Buffy): Say! look at you! You look just like me! We're very pretty.

Giles (staring at the Buffybot): Quite extraordinary, really.
Buffybot: Thank you. But I really think we should be listening to the other Buffy, Giles. (She pronounces his name with a hard "G" as in "guy.") She's very smart and she's gonna help us save Spike.
Giles: Giles? (imitating her pronunciation) Spike didn't even bother to program my name properly!
Buffy: Listen, skirt girl, we are not going to save him. We're going to kill him. He knows who the key is, and there's no way he's not telling Glory.
Buffybot: You're right. He's evil. (She smiles.) But you should see him naked. I mean really!

Jinx (in response to the Spike's clues about the Key): Bob Barker!
Murk: We will bring you Bob Barker. We will bring you the limp and beaten body of Bob Barker!
Glory: It is not Bob Barker, scabby morons! The Key is new to this world and Bob Barker is as old as grit.

Glory: I am a God.
Spike: The God of what, bad home perms?

Spike: Mark my words, the Slayer is going to kick your skanky, lopsided ass — (Concerned, Glory looks at her ass.) — back to whatever place would take a cheap, whorish, fashion-victim ex-God like you.

Dawn (sarcastically): We're safe, right. And Spike built a robot Buffy to play Checkers with.
Tara: It sounded convincing when I thought it.

Buffy as Buffybot: Spike! You're covered in sexy wounds!

Spike (Buffy as the Buffybot, prompts Spike to explain why he didn't tell Glory who the key was.): Because Buffy — the other, not-so-pleasant Buffy... anything happened to Dawn, it'd destroy her, and I couldn't live with her being in that much pain. I'd let Glory kill me first. Nearly bloody did.

Buffy: What you did for me and Dawn, that was real. I won't forget it.



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