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4.16 Who Are You? - Chi Sei Tu

Prima visione Italia 20/04/01
Prima visione USA 29/02/00

Titolo originale: 4.16 Who Are You?

Titolo italiano: Chi sei tu

Scritto da:
Joss Whedon
Diretto da:
Joss Whedon

 Transcript season 4

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers 
Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris 
Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg 
Marc Blucas as Riley Finn 
James Marsters as Spike 
Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles 

Guest Stars: 
Eliza Dushku as "Buffy" 
Kristine Sutherland as Joyce Summers 
Amber Benson as Tara 
Leonard Roberts as Forrest Gates 
George Hertzberg as Adam 
Alastair Duncan as Collins 
Emma Caulfield as Anya 
Chet Grissom as Detective 

Rick Stear as Booke 
Jeff Ricketts as Weatherby 
Kevin Owers as Smith 
Amy Powell as Reporter 
Rick Scarry as Sergeant 
Jennifer S. Albright as Date 

Canzoni tratte dagli episodi

E' la canzone che Faith balla al Bronze

Nerf Herder

E' la canzone che si sente al Bronze mentre Faith parla Spike

The Cure

Watching Me Fall
Si sente al Bronze quando Faith è insieme a Willow e Tara


Sweet, Charlotte rose


Riassunto dell'episodio

Faith vive per un po' la vita dell'altra cacciatrice prendendosi il suo ragazzo e i suoi amici, poi decide di andare via. Buffy viene catturata dal Consiglio degli Osservatori ma riesce a scappare. Dopo essersi fatta riconoscere da Giles e Willow si trova faccia a faccia con Faith che prima di andarsene aveva deciso di compiere il suo dovere di cacciatrice e salvare un gruppo di persone tenute in ostaggio da vampiri. I loro corpi vengono di nuovo scambiati grazie a Willow e Faith fugge. 



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Detective (about BiF): "She's coming to. Man, I want this kid's constitution."

Willow (regarding Faith): "I hope they throw the book at her."
Giles: "I'm not sure there is a book for this."
Willow: "They could throw other things."

Willow (regarding Faith): "Ooh, I wish those council guys would let me have an hour alone in a room with her. If I was larger, and had grenades."

Anya: "We were going to light a bunch of candles and have sex near them."
FiB: "Well, we certainly don't want to cut into that seven minutes."
Anya: "Hey!"
Xander: "I believe that's my 'hey.' Hey!"

Spike: "You know why I really hate you, Summers?"
FiB: "'Cause I'm a stuck-up tight-ass with no sense of fun?"
Spike: "Well, yeah, that covers a lot of it."
FiB: "'Cause I can do anything I want, and instead I choose to pout and whine and feel the burden of Slayerness? I mean, I could be rich. I could be famous. I could have anything. Anyone. Even you, Spike. I could ride you at a gallop until your legs buckled and your eyes rolled up. I've got muscles you've never even dreamed of. I could squeeze you until you popped like warm champagne, and you would beg me to hurt you just a little bit more. And you know why I don't? (pauses) Because it's wrong."

Tara (about FiB): "She's not your friend."
Willow: "I may have overestimated the 'you-liking-her' factor."

Riley: "Door's open."
FiB: "So?"
Riley: "So, my fantasies don't tend to include a bunch of Marines staring in at me."
FiB: "Oh, maybe they could learn something."

FiB (to Riley): "What nasty little desire have you been itching to try out? Am I a bad girl? Do you want to hurt me?"

Giles: "Look, I know what you are going to say, and..."
BiF: "I'm Buffy."
Giles: "All right, I didn't know what you were going to say, but that doesn't make you any less crazy."

Giles: "Um, if you are Buffy, then you will let me tie you up without killing me until we find whether you are telling the truth."
BiF: "Giles, Faith has taken my body, and for all I know she's taken it to Mexico by now. I don't have time for bondage fun. Ask me a question, ask me anything."
Giles: "Who's President?"
BiF: "We're checking for Buffy, not a concussion."

BiF: "Oh, when I had psychic power I heard my mother think that you were like a stevedore during sex. Do you want me to continue?"
Giles: "Actually I beg you to stop."
BiF: "What's a stevedore?"

FiB (beating up on BiF): "Shut up. Do you think I'm afraid of you? You're nothing! Disgusting! Murderous bitch! You're nothing! You're disgusting!"

Riley (to Buffy, about Faith): "Man, I would like to get my hands on her. Not in a sex way."



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