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Latest news – January 25, 2002
Now Shooting: Episode 16

Episode Summaries

For those of you who are as spoiler-whorish as I am, I am posting complete summaries of what I know about the episodes. I'm making these into links so that those who do not want to be spoiled that much can just pass them by.

Episode 12

Episode 13

Episode 14

Episode 16

Latest Rumors:

Posted by SciFiWire on 1-23-02

Dawn To Rebel On Buffy

Michelle Trachtenberg, who plays little sister Dawn on UPN's Buffy the Vampire Slayer, told SCI FI Wire that her character will have to deal with the consequences of her kleptomania in an upcoming episode. "You can expect that Dawn will be getting a little more rebellious," Trachtenberg said in an interview.

Trachtenberg added, "Obviously, she has shown signs of being a kleptomaniac. Oh, that's such a harsh word! A person who steals a little bit often. ... I know that that storyline will reach a certain pinnacle--that Buffy and Dawn will have to deal with [it] in the way that they do. Definitely, in the end of this season and in the seasons to come, Dawn will be getting more rebellious and more mature and more womanly. She's getting older. She'll be 16 soon. She's 15 now and a freshman in high school. So after you get past the freshman year, you're kind of like, 'OK, I'm good, I'm a sophomore, I'm better. I'm living and experiencing things.' So that's definitely in store for her." Buffy airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT.

Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 1-24-02

(selected excerpts)

The largest rumor floating around this season has been that there will be a big death on the finale. True?
That was the same rumor last year--and, you know, somebody did die. I mean, there's always going to be a big death eventually.

How long are the actors under contract?
All of the main cast members are contracted through next season--season seven.

Buffy has become much darker and racier this season. Is that because it's on UPN?
It's not really a result of switching networks. Perhaps there was some impulse to be a little bolder because we thought we might get away with it, but the reality is the WB was never very restrictive on what we put on the air. I really think it's more a result of the growing up of the show. And the fact that the whole Spike and Buffy storyline just lends itself to kind of a darker, edgier and more sexual bent.

Will this darker side continue?
The whole season is definitely influenced by the Buffy and Spike storyline. That can't help but affect the way the rest of the stuff goes.

Why the Buffy and Spike relationship?
Long ago, it was Joss' idea that Spike would start to get a crush on Buffy. We had no idea where we would go with that at the time. It was just like, "Doesn't it seem like he'd become obsessed with a woman who could beat him up so badly?" Spike has always been drawn to women who abuse him. So now, with Buffy, this is the ultimate. But once he got the chip, he started to develop scruples, against his will. I think he genuinely cares for her and cares for her goodness. At this point, that means something to him.

Why can't Buffy fully love him?
Because he's evil! Even though he has come a long way, I still wonder what would happen with that chip out of his head. He's not someone you should fully trust. And given that, how could she ever fully give herself to him? It's not like Angel, who has spent 300 years atoning.

How far will it go?
At the end of last season, we started asking ourselves, "What are we going to do with these guys?" We also started thinking about what relationships were like in our twenties, when we were all in college. And it seems like so often you pick the person who is not necessarily the one you are going to be with the rest of your life, but the person who causes you a lot of grief and a lot of drama--and a lot of lust.

Will there be a Big Bad this season?
There is Big Badness. It's not the same as it has been in the past. It's somewhat more generated by our own characters. With the guys--the trio--there's potential for things to go a lot darker there. But no, there is no supernatural being coming from on high. It was just time to try something else. I mean, how many Apocali can you threaten? It's like, "No, really. It's the end of the world. This time, really. We were kidding last time!"

Have we seen the worst of Willow's bad side?
Almost every character deals with this notion of power, what it means to attain power and that, in some ways, power always corrupts. As much as Willow has grown and changed--personally, I can attest to the fact that the inner nerd is always there. No matter how much you change, there's always going to be some insecurity. And the temptation to empower yourself, maybe beyond reason, is really there...So, that will cause Willow the temptation to embellish herself.

Posted by Isabelle on FF on 1-25-02

ok guys, I got this from a new source so the only way to test its reliability is to post it and see what happens
It's short--about when Riley comes in Ep15

My sheet has a scene in Spike's Crypt and it's typed tiny but it looks like "Riley catches Spike and Buffy <together--does not decribe is it's intimate or just kissng> , attacks Spike (riley)"
Then there is something about Riley punching Spike.
It's just basic sentences as to where the scene is and what is happening one scene says inside Doublemeat Palace (apparantly Buffy is still working there?)- "Buffy goes to counter--Riley is there" Then it says "Riley needs Buffy's help"
My source is getting some more info and I'll post it as soon as I get it. I hope this is true...I think--still making my mind up about it.

Posted by Steve DeKnight on the Bronze Beta on 1-25-02

OldManFan: You’ll be sorely missed! My ep, Dead Things, will air on Feb. 5. My next ep after that will be 19, which should air early May.

Posted by David Fury on the Bronze Beta on 1-25-02

IG - As to the whole Buffy wasn't in heaven idea... There's an interesting answer on that question in episode 17.

Posted by goldengirl on FF on 1-25-02

Here's a part of one of the B/S scenes from episode 12, DMP. As you know, they only have 2 scenes in that epi, and only one has dialogue ::cough::

Spike walks up to the counter and says to Buffy, "So what *is* in the Doublemeat burger?[can't tell if he's being facetious or not--didn't someone say he knows what's really going on there?] He then gives Buffy a
hard time about working there and comments on her "demonness."

Buffy: "Spike, I am NOT a demon."

Spike: "Is that why you took this job? To prove something? A normal job for a normal person? You're better than this."
Then a little sexual banter from Spike along the lines of what they could be doing with this time. The scene ends with Spike saying to Buffy as he leaves, "This place is going to ruin you. This place will kill you."

And I think you all know about the second scene already. The one where Spike, um, drives home the fast food service values of teamwork, quality, and efficient service.

Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

This week we got some new info that confirms writers and episode titles, plus we've had a few new sources of info pop up.

Marti Noxon's interview with Wanda sounds the same old themes of unredeemable Spike repeated by DeKnight at the Bronze Beta. One thing to keep in mind is that very often these writers are looking very much at the short term and do not want to make pronouncements about future episodes that are not yet written.

And how do Noxon's comments square with those of Sarah Michelle Gellar from a few months ago?


"The thing about Buffy and Spike is they understand each other on a level that nobody else understands her. They've both lived a hundred lives and I think there's a connection there that we will see evolve over the next couple of years where she realizes that he really is someone that she can trust, someone that's a companion to her and someone that really understands her unlike anybody else."

I'm inclined to take Gellar's comments at face value. As an actor, she is interested not in a particular relationship but in what is motivating the character she is playing. If she believes that Buffy trusts Spike, that is important. She may not know where the story is going, but she does know what her character believes.

We don't know whether the scene described by Isabelle involves Riley walking in on Spike and Buffy in an intimate moment, but it is certainly possible. Isabelle hopes for more information soon.

Also, I will be receiving additional episode 16 information next week, and I will update the site as soon as I receive it.

Scheduled writers and episode titles:

Ep#12 Jane Espenson
Title: Doublemeat Palace

Ep#13 Steve DeKnight
Title: Dead Things

Ep#14 Drew Greenberg
Title: Older and Far Away

Ep#15 Doug Petrie
Directed by Doug Petrie
Title: As You Were

Ep#16 Rebecca Rand Kirshner
Title: Hell's Bells Updated 1-25-02

Ep. #17 Diego Gutierrez
Title: Unknown

Ep. #18 Unknown
Title: Unknown

Ep. #19 Steve DeKnight Updated 1-25-02
Title: Unknown

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